The Purple Cloud World Extinguishing Thunder Array Talisman

When Mu Fusheng returned to the Divine Seal Sect and arrived at the Heaven Grade Cave Abode, Xie Yan was still cleaning the cave abode with a broom.

Mu Fusheng asked curiously, "Elder Xie, isn't it already very clean? Why are you still sweeping?"

Xie Yan replied without turning his head, "It's not the dust, it's the state of mind."

"The most important thing for a talisman master is the state of mind."

Hearing this, Mu Fusheng smiled and said, "Elder Xie is right."

"Stop talking about me." Xie Yan put down the broom and asked Mu Fusheng, "How's the assessment going?"

Mu Fusheng took out the golden medal and said with a smile, "I was lucky to get a Heaven Talisman Master."

Only a Heaven Talisman Master?

Xie Yan frowned slightly.