That's It?

When he heard Mu Fusheng's three requests…

Tian Chiyao agreed, and the emperor remained silent.

And then the Crown Prince, Tian Qihe, objected loudly!

"That's impossible!"

Tian Qihe walked in front of the emperor and knelt down. "Father, you must not agree to this condition!"

"Let's not talk about the authenticity of this Heaven Talisman Master Medal."

"Even if it's true, how can a single Heaven Talisman Master go against the other two dynasties?"

"The other party has also paid a price to hire a Heaven Talisman Master to hold the fort!"

Tian Chiyao frowned slightly.

She was almost speechless about this big brother of hers.

Just like that, how could he inherit the throne?

The emperor didn't answer directly, but turned to look at Tian Chiyao. "Chi Yao, what do you think about your support?"

Tian Chiyao cupped her hands and said, "Father, we don't have a better choice now."