I'll Give You Some Burden!

The Nine Suns Blazing Fire Talisman was ranked third in terms of lethality.

At the same time, this talisman was also one of the most difficult to inscribe among the Heaven-rank talismans.

The difficulty was not in the details.

Instead, it was in the control of the talisman brush to condense the strength of the Nine Suns Blazing Fire and control it.

If it was too high, the handwriting engraved on the talisman would be melted.

The handwriting of the talisman was like the eye of the array.

It would fail once it was destroyed.

At the same time, if it was too low, its lethality would be insufficient, and it would be impossible to successfully inscribe the Nine Suns Blazing Fire Talisman.

Therefore, the balance between the two required an extremely strong soul power and insight to a Talisman Master.

This might not be difficult for a Spirit Talisman Master.