Ghost God Altar

What level of existence was the Holy Talisman Sect?

In the Middle Latitude Realm, all the Talisman Master factions respected the Holy Talisman Sect!

The strongest Talisman Masters in the various realms were almost a branch of the Sacred Talisman Sect.

For example, the Immortal Talisman Sect and the Divine Seal Sect.

Simply put, the Holy Talisman Sect monopolized the entire Talisman Master market in the Middle Latitude Realm!

Then, as the Supreme Elder of the Holy Talisman Sect, how powerful was he? How much foundation did he have?

As long as they spread the word and wanted to take in a handyman or a guard.

All the Talisman Masters in the Middle Latitude Realm would move when they heard the news!

He rushed to the Holy Talisman Sect with bloodshot eyes. He had to fight for this position at all costs!

But now…