Star Cloud Splits The Heavens, Mystic Realm Opens!

"Elder, leave it to me." Ni Gu suddenly said in a deep voice as he watched Ye Qiubai leave.


The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall lowered his head and looked at Ni Gu, "Leave it to you? Didn't you lose to him?"

Ni Gu said with an ugly expression, "He only used the power of the talisman to defeat me."

"He won't be able to use external forces in the Starry Sky Mystical Ground. Neither pills nor talismans will be able to enter."

"At that time, this fellow would have no one to rely on. Would I not be able to even deal with a Dao Convergence Realm cultivator with my strength at the Blood Transformation Realm?"

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall thought for a moment and nodded. "Sure, but his Sword Dao has broken through to the extraordinary realm…"

"It's fine. My Star Intent has also reached the verge of a breakthrough. In the remaining time, I'll go to Master's place to cultivate. I should be able to break through."