The Anger Of A Celestial Immortal!

The strength of the Star Temple, which was a top faction in ancient times, had plummeted ever since no one had been able to cultivate the power of stars.

This was an arrogant and conceited sect.

The cultivation conditions for the power of the stars were too harsh after all. In the entire Middle Latitude Realm, only the Star Temple could cultivate it.

This also nurtured the arrogance of the Star Temple.

Therefore, when they discovered that Shi Sheng actually had the cultivation method of the power of the stars, greed was more prominent than the surprise!

The Star Temple would once again stand at the peak of the Middle Latitude Realm, or even… head to the Upper World as long as they could obtain this child's cultivation method for the power of stars!

Hearing Hall Master Huang Er's words, Shi Sheng shook his head.

The Chaotic Star Record was imparted to him by his master. How could he give it to others?