Passage To The Immortal World

No one would have thought that there was actually a completely different world within the latitude barrier!

Moreover, it was a passageway.

At the front and back of the passageway was a huge spatial teleportation array that covered the entire barrier!

Even Lu Changsheng couldn't tell how big this teleportation array was.

It could only be said that the dimensional teleportation array was as big as the passageway.

Lu Changsheng looked at it from top to bottom. Rubbing his chin, he said in a low voice, "It's so big… Who made it? But it's such a big teleportation array. I should be able to do it with some research."

But there was no need, what was the point of setting up such a large spatial teleportation array?


Attract attention?

He raised his head and looked to both sides.

The passage was like a hollow cylinder.

There was a bright light in the direction indicated by the aura of the Star Soul Essence.