Old Debt

The Great Tournament, where all the sects gathered.

They were all here for the extremely mysterious Death Soul City that was filled with opportunities.

Hidden sects and aristocratic families appeared one after another!

The Great Tournament this time was very likely to break the structure of the Middle Latitude Realm.

The sect ranking in the Middle Latitude Realm was also related to The Great Tournament to a certain extent after all.

In the mansion where Heavenly Sword Peak Sect was located.

Sect Master Huo Zhengheng explained the rules of the second round of The Great Tournament.

"The second round can be said to be an individual battle."

"At noon, we will draw lots. The faction that we draw will spar with the other party in an individual battle. The winner will get points."

"If you win all of them, you'll get more points."

Ye Qiubai, Zhuang Zidong, and the others nodded.