Infernal Purgatory!

In these 15 days, the sects and factions that had failed to advance in the second round had left the Myriad Domain Wilderness.

To put it simply, they went back to their respective homes and mothers.

On the other hand, the ten factions that had successfully advanced were doing their best to inquire about the information of the other factions that had successfully advanced.

Only by obtaining the information in advance could he better choose a strategy to prepare.

The reward for the top three was to enter Death Soul City after all.

The Death Soul City had suppressed the souls of countless almighty experts, including the inheritance of ancient almighty experts.

At the same time, because the power of the Spiritual Soul was too thick, there were high-grade soul-type heavenly treasures that could not be found in the outside world in Death Soul City.

One had to know that treasures that were useful for the soul were extremely rare.