Mortal Sword And Immortal Sword

In The Great Tournament, the two Intermediate Stage Turbid Immortal Realm experts Ye Qiubai was fighting, Gu Xi and Su Muyou.

In terms of strength, Ye Qiubai felt that Su Muyou was definitely stronger than Gu Xi.

The pressure brought about by controlling the huge cauldron was like a mountain collapsing.

If he was held back by this huge cauldron, perhaps the victory of this battle would gradually fade away.

Below, Lin Zhinan looked at Ye Qiubai's swift and decisive actions and couldn't help but reveal a look of admiration.

"As expected of Brother Ye. Your combat experience is too rich. It's clearly your first time fighting Su Muyou, but you've already thought of the best solution."

Gu Xi and the others from the Spirit Immortal Palace all looked at Lin Zhinan.

They had already praised Ye Qiubai countless times during the last few days.