Immortal Sword Tempering

Everyone's gazes were on Ye Qiubai, who was walking on the path.

The path between the mountain col looked unusually quiet.

However, the immortal sword Sword Intent that constantly spread out from the cliffs on both sides of the mountain col whistled above the path!

At this moment, Ye Qiubai walked in front while Zhuang Zidong followed closely behind.

When they walked into the mountain col, at this moment, the whistling immortal sword Sword Intent swept towards Ye Qiubai and Zhuang Zidong!

Seeing this, Ye Qiubai took a step forward and ran towards the exit like a slingshot!

Zhuang Zidong followed suit from behind.

How could he easily dodge the overwhelming Sword Intent?

The whistling sword intent followed behind Ye Qiubai and the other man like maggots.

Then, several more Immortal Sword Sword Intents separated from the sky and blocked Ye Qiubai's four directions!

Below them was solid ground.