You Can't Touch Her

"Su Muyou, are you threatening me?" Pan Xie looked down and asked with a sinister smile. Even though Su Muyou's white robe was covered, one could still see her curvaceous body. Her evil eyes were filled with undisguised greed.

"You have to know that even if you die here, how would the Su family know that I was the one who did it?"

"You have to know that Death Soul City can block all senses from the outside world. Even if I kill you personally, your soul token in the Su family will not leave any aura about me!"

At this point, Pan Xie suddenly licked his lips and said bluntly, "Besides, I can't bear to kill a beauty like you. You have to let me enjoy it first."

Hearing this, Su Muyou's originally elegant face became even colder like an iceberg.

The killing intent in his eyes exploded without any concealment.

However, anger was anger, and anger was anger.