The Little Bird Transforms, Huang Qian

Lu Changsheng kept complaining that he had lost two drops of blood essence.

His heart ached, but at the same time, he felt weak and needed to recover.

Therefore, on the way back to the Longevity World, the little bird carried Lu Changsheng with a helpless look on its face, but it didn't refuse at all.

In the past, only the Human Ancestor could make the Divine Phoenix and the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon willingly become his mounts. Being used as a Human Ancestor's mount made them extremely proud.

How could they submit to an ordinary person?

Not only did the little bird inherit the bloodline of the Divine Phoenix, it also integrated with the bloodline of the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, including a drop of Lu Changsheng's blood essence.

Therefore, as far as it knew, only Lu Changsheng could ride on its body.