Prepare To Attack!

Ye Qiubai and Lin Zhinan also agreed with Le Zhengchi's words.

The other party might still be in the preparation stage if they were to attack now, but it was only a possibility.

However, in a situation where he didn't know anything, he wanted to take the initiative to attack.

The faster the speed, the higher the success rate.

At this moment, Lin Zhinan said, "We can take the initiative to attack, but before we attack, we have to let Miao Bangdao understand the terrain around Purgatory City clearly. At the same time, we have to find out if the other party's personnel are in Purgatory City."

"In case this is the other party's trap and lures us all out. Then, we'll march straight in and occupy the cities on our two sides."

Le Zhengchi nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about that. Miao Bangdao has already investigated it thoroughly."

Then, he took out a map.