Joining Forces To Kill Evil

During the period when the Infernal Purgatory went on a killing spree in the entire Middle Latitude Realm and committed all kinds of evil deeds.

At that time, almost all the top factions participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Infernal Purgatory!

It was also because many experts joined forces that Qi Shadao was successfully destroyed.

However, at that time, they let Qi Shadao escape instead of destroying his soul.

At that time, in order to prevent any future troubles, as well as making the Infernal Purgatory completely become a grain of sand in the long river of history.

Many experts were searching for Qi Shadao's soul with all their might.

However, it was all to no avail.

At that time, the various top factions were extremely cautious in their actions and had always sent people to pay attention to information about the remnants of the Infernal Purgatory.

However, he still found nothing.