Disappearance Of The Living Spirit Emerald Root?

The Endless Sea Region, on the island where the Living Spirit Emerald Root was located.

There seemed to be a landslide but the pillar-shaped stone platform that carried the Living Spirit Emerald Root was still intact and around the island.

A storm was brewing!

The originally calm sea region was in turmoil at this moment.

The tempestuous waves were like huge mountains, surging and boiling!

It kept hitting the island, causing the entire crumbling island to be like a lone boat in a stormy sea.

It kept shaking as if it was about to be overturned by a huge wave at any moment!

Above the island, Ye Qiubai, Hong Ying, Ning Chenxin, Blackie, Shi Sheng, and Mu Wan'er's attacks constantly landed on the bodies of the two half-step Heaven Immortal Realm old men from the Infernal Purgatory.

At the same time, Mu Fusheng's two Heavenly Immortal level talismans were finally formed.

A huge pillar of lightning struck down from the sky!