Endless Sea Region, Witnessing Ragnarok!

Information on clues in high-latitude regions instantly traveled to the ears of everyone in the Endless Sea Region and caused a huge controversy.

However, this information was in the hands of the Holy Talisman Sect.

If it were an ordinary faction, it would have long been forcefully plundered by the various large factions.

As a top faction, the Holy Talisman Sect also had a large number of talismans and a huge network of connections.

If one wanted to snatch food from the tiger's mouth of the Holy Talisman Sect, he would probably have to consider it more.

The people from the Holy Talisman Sect, who were at the center of the public opinion, had already returned to the stronghold.

After returning to the stronghold, the Sect Master immediately got his disciples and elders to rebuild the destroyed stronghold.

He also strengthened all aspects of defense and the number of talismans was several times more than before!