All The Tempering For The Extreme Realm

In terms of the Sword Dao, everyone in the Cottage chose to believe Ye Qiubai for no reason.

Big Senior Brother's extraordinary talent in the Sword Dao was obvious to all.

Furthermore, judging from the first test of the inheritance, it clearly tested a sword cultivator's talent in the Sword Dao, aptitude, and comprehension.

It did not have much to do with strength.

Comparing talent and comprehension in the Sword Principle?

Wasn't this feeding victory to Big Senior Brother? As long as he wanted to, he could eat it with his mouth open.

Zi Shan looked at Ye Qiubai with interest when she saw Hong Ying, Shi Sheng, and the others' response.

At this moment, on this island that was as smooth as a mirror.

Beside the stone pillar covered in sword marks, Ye Qiubai, Zeng Jiyuan, and Lai Qingyun stood under different stone pillars.

He looked at the sword mark above.

Sword marks crisscrossed.