Sword Moves Collide

After the violent shaking of the ground, it was no longer as flat as before.

Instead, it looked pitted and full of cracks. The rocks on the ground were either sunken or bulging, like ruins.

The surrounding aura seemed to have stopped at this moment.

It wasn't silent, nor was it quiet and peaceful.

It was like the calm before the storm.

The only flat place in the center of the island caused all these.

Two three-foot-long blades that were also dressed in elegant green robes held auras and looked identical.

Even their figures, faces, and expressions were the same!

Even twins would have subtle differences.

However, the two green-robed sword cultivators holding three-foot-long swords did not look any different.

Even Hong Ying, Ning Chenxin, Blackie, Shi Sheng, Mu Fusheng, and Mu Wan'er, who had been with Ye Qiubai for a long time, found it difficult to differentiate them.