Deep And Scheming Qi Shadao!

The human body had nine apertures.

They were the three dantian, three pressure points, and three apertures.

The three dantian were the Upper Dantian, Middle Dantian, and Lower Dantian.

The three pressure points were the Tail Bone Point, Upper Back Point and the Jade Pillow Point.

Three apertures were the Yin Aperture, Yang Aperture and the Central Palace.

The location of the Green Cloud Sword was at the back of the head.

The Jade Pillow Point was located between the back of the head and the occipital bones, parallel to the Upper Dantian.

At the same time, it was the center of the "consciousness", the Root of Life. It could be said to be a crucial acupoint.

One would either lose its mind or die immediately once it was injured.

The Green Cloud Sword occupied the most important acupoint.

The Sword God Sword Spirit originally wanted to occupy Ye Qiubai's Jade Pillow Point.