Cobbled Up Soul

If this place was to be turned into a killing ground, the Dragon Blood Demonic Abyss was the life and death arena.

Only when one side died could they walk out of this place!

At this moment, Mo Qixun, Qingchuan Yayao of the Swamp Domain, attacked Gu Shao with his soul.

The three mysterious sectless cultivators that the various large factions were afraid of and even hated to the core.

They had already arrived near the Dragon Blood Demonic Abyss.

In front of them, the sea of blood churned and blood clouds covered the sky!

It seemed to be the opposite of where they were.

One side was calm, and the other side was a sea of blood.

On one side, the sky was clear, and on the other side, blood clouds filled the sky!

There was only one similar place.

That was the spiritual energy fluctuation that seemed to be able to destroy the world and shatter space in the Dragon Blood Demonic Abyss.