Each With Their Own Schemes

Another two days passed, the moment the sun rose, the sunlight pierced through the clouds.

Only then did the dark demonic qi slowly gather towards the center.

The beast tide also gradually faded as the dark demonic qi gathered.

The western city wall was already in tatters.

However, the losses were not much compared to before.

With the support of Mu Fusheng's talisman,

Ye Qiubai's sword domain and Fang Qiong's Annihilation Killing Formation both had a large-scale killing effect.

At the same time, Mu Fusheng's power of lightning had a special effect on the augmentation of dark demonic qi.

As for Blackie, as it could not unleash its strength, it could only kill the magical beast when it climbed up the city wall.

However, this also prevented the city wall that would have been broken from being damaged.

Only 30% of the city guards died on the original foundation.