Rejection, Strange Room (1)

However, to the Giant Ugly Fish's surprise, Chen Qiyue actually refused.

"You don't have to spend money. You can come and watch at any time."

Chen Qiyue's words surprised Xia Xuanxuan slightly.

Jun Shenyun was also a little stunned. "But isn't this your personal research?"

"It's fine." Chen Qiyue shook his head. "It's just that I won't explain when I'm operating. It's fine to watch. After all, she's your friend, Boss. She even saved the Long Red-Crowned Crane for free."

Xia Xuanxuan's eyes flickered. She understood this situation. When ordinary Feeders were cultivating in a evolution direction, many people would pay to watch.

However, she didn't expect Cheng Qi to agree so readily without asking for a single cent.

"That's your boss's Fantastic Beast. I saved it only on account of your boss. There's no need for you to waive the fee."

Xia Xuanxuan sized up Chen Qiyue and probed again.