Super Feeding House, Cloud Emperor Cat's Childbirth (1)

"Hey, hey, it has nothing to do with me whether I can make it in time or not. If it's a Feeder competition, I'm actually interested." Chen Qiyue smiled and waved his hand, saying indifferently.

The Giant Ugly Fish's eyes lit up when it heard this. It wagged its tail excitedly, hoping to hear more news about the Alliance Tournament.

Jun Shenyun smiled and said, "As expected of a genius Feeder who specializes in feeding, but the rewards for this competition are very generous."

"I heard that other than the ten million yuan reward, there are also many rare tree fruits and evolutionary items."

Chen Qiyue's breathing stopped. However, he thought about the cultivation directions of so many Fantastic Beasts that he had to customize next and the research on the path of the Giant Ugly Fish's evolution.

There was still time to study the nutritional meals and collect all kinds of data on the Serene Empress. How could he have time?