Kiddo's Advancement (1)

"Basically, after you train for a year, you will have GPA to exchange for these settings. Then, you will be able to better nurture your own Fantastic Beasts."

Hao Cheng roughly introduced the settings of the Fantastic Beast's energy and then began to call the next person to operate.

With the precedent, the others did not make any mistakes. Some took the opportunity to read the instructions.

However, no one performed complicated operations like Chen Qiyue, but many people passed the test of this instrument.

Although they had all read the instructions, it was basically impossible for every instrument to get 90% of the total score.

There was no need to mention Luo Beibei. Unless all the instruments behind the first scored 9 and 10 points, she wouldn't have a chance of passing this practical test…

Many intern Feeders thought so, but the truth exceeded their expectations again.