Dropping Disguises? (1)

"Oh? What do you mean? He agreed?" Square 7 suddenly looked at that person with a glint in his eyes.

He came here for Chen Qiyue.

It would be a pity if such a genius was not used by him.

Square 7's words made that person stop what he was about to say.

The man scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "He, he didn't agree…"

Square 7: …

Square 7 narrowed his eyes, which were as cold as ice, and suddenly looked at that person. "What exactly did you tell him?"

Square 7's slightly angry voice made that person tremble.

"It's like this…" The man hurriedly told him what he had said to Chen Qiyue.

"He said his name was Cheng Cheng. I specially compared him to the photo and confirmed that it was him. I also said that we could improve together, but he rejected me."