Flower Sac Ultimate Technique (1)

After signing the contract with the Skeleton Dragon and the Skeleton Servant, Chen Qiyue was satisfied. He completed the mission more than expected and even got an additional Fantastic Beast slot.

Although he had used both tokens, he still had the egg of the Thunder Cloud Eagle. It seemed that he was destined to sign this Thunder Cloud Eagle.

However, this was also good. He would have one more Fantastic Beast than the others.

At the thought of this, Chen Qiyue was elated and increased the speed of his chopping.

The Skeleton Dragon and the Skeleton Servant were staring at each other.

Although it had already achieved its goal, it still could not stand this smelly skeleton who had almost snatched its Beast Tamer!

The Skeleton Servant held his sword with both hands and stood there without moving. He also looked at the Skeleton Dragon coldly.