It's Crippled (1)

Chen Qiyue subconsciously let go of the accelerator and stepped on the brakes.

That was because the dogs were already rushing towards the road. If nothing went wrong, they would collide with his car.

Therefore, he planned to wait and let the dogs pass first.

More importantly, he was very curious about what these stray dogs were chasing.

The fleeing thing was red, small, and soft. It looked very strange.

Chen Qiyue slowed down the car and looked over. With just one look, his pupils instantly constricted. He braked in disbelief and stopped the car.

His physical fitness was very good now, so his eyesight was naturally not bad. Although he was wearing glasses, they were ornamental.

Therefore, even though he was still more than a hundred meters away from them, he could still see the full appearance of this little thing.