This Clue Is Too Difficult to Find (1)

However, in less than ten seconds, everyone in the train began to move, including Chen Qiyue.

He quickly put away the folded tables and the like, then began to look around the carriage.

Five carriages with six clues…

Chen Qiyue looked at the control room at the front.

No, there were five carriages and a control room. There were exactly six of them. Was it possible that they corresponded to six clues?

Chen Qiyue held the notebook in his hand and carefully pondered over Qin Zhe's words.

In fact, had the selection already begun the moment they stepped onto this train?

First of all, he had to find the clues within 12 hours.

In other words, according to the speed of this train, after 12 hours, they would reach the next selection location?

Chen Qiyue roughly calculated the distance in a straight line. This distance was enough for them to pass through the border of the Double Purple Region.