Arrangements for the Various Fantastic Beasts (1)

"That's right. This is your way down the mountain."

Yuwen Bo pointed at the row of silver metal railings.

Everyone, including Chen Qiyue, suddenly stopped breathing and looked down with widened eyes.

It had to be known that there were mountains and rocks below. Although there were some trees and grass, it was abnormally steep. There were no traces of people stepping on it. Only the side of the railing had some traces of walking.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that one of the punishments for the weekly rankings is to remove the traces of stepping and polish the railings here to increase the difficulty of descending the mountain."

Yuwen Bo said indifferently, "You can hold onto that railing and go down the mountain. Previously, many Beast Tamers used that railing to go down the mountain."