The Origin of the Special Dragon Group (2)

"It's said that the country has thousands of years of history and has a broad and profound culture in cooking. Every dish is superb."

Chen Qiyue looked at the menu with a sigh. "I also remembered the names of those dishes, but I didn't expect to see them here."

Yuwen Bo looked at Chen Qiyue in surprise. "You actually know this country. Indeed, the Eastern dishes here are very delicious and there are many dishes."

"However, some people might not eat it. For example, this spicy fish slice with vine pepper. That spicy food is not something ordinary people can eat."

Chen Qiyue pointed at the dish and said with a smile, "Then I want this spicy fish slice with vine peppers too."

Although Chen Qiyue had indeed seen information about the Dragon of the East in many books, he knew that these dishes were not just because of these.

At first, when he came to this world, he thought that nothing had changed except for the Fantastic Beasts around him.