Wind Shadow Worm's Might (2)

The aptitude of the Fat-Eyed Worm before the Wind Shadow Worm evolved was not bad to begin with. Although it had been skinned, it had evolved differently, allowing her to activate the bloodline of the Wind God hidden in her body. At the same time, her aptitude had increased to B-rank.

However, because of its extreme anger, the originally accumulated nutrients in its body began to digest. The energy in its cells that had yet to be completely digested began to seep out in anger.

Wind began to gather crazily around the Wind Shadow Worm.

Chen Qiyue sensed the abnormality of the Fantastic Beast's energy and quickly turned his head. He saw the change in the Wind Shadow Worm and immediately understood the reason why she became like this.

"In that case, this battle will be yours! Let it become the motivation to break through to the Special Level!"