Honey Dragon Might Be Able To Do It! (1)

In the next few days, people kept floating up from the lake.

Surprisingly, the clothes those people were wearing were not the ones they had been wearing when they went down.

It was as if they had really gone to those worlds and were about to die before returning.

Some of them were even bleeding.

However, Qin Zhe and the others seemed to be used to it. They calmly got someone to scoop them up.

At this moment, Qin Zhe was still paying attention to another scene on the lake. On the screen was Chen Qiyue.

At this moment, Chen Qiyue and Li Yao were walking on the road. The two of them seemed to be arguing.

"Brother Chen, we've been walking for so long. Have we still not arrived in the Western Heaven you mentioned?" Li Yao's eyes had already begun to turn a little dark red.