One Must Have One Breath in Life (2)

" Urging the brigade commander. It's getting dark. Let's go back. Otherwise, the tide will rise."

Then, he turned to look at Commander Zhu.

"Guess what the brigade commander said?"

Commander Zhu replied impatiently.

"What else can I say? Put away the pole and leave!"

The chief of staff shook his head mysteriously.

"No, no."

"I still can't forget what the brigade commander said after that."

Commander Zhu didn't believe it.

"The brigade commander said that one must have one breath in life!"

"Whether it's courage, ambition, talent, or arrogance, you have to be calm!"

"Being able to keep a low profile is to hide one's strength and bide one's time. It's to be far-sighted!"

"In the face of setbacks and adversity, I won't be disheartened!"

Hearing his words, Commander Zhu nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true. I didn't expect the brigade commander to be a philosopher!"