Chapter 43

He had dropped Isla off at the infirmary with Nana and Victoria before returning to the Big House; she'd be out of trouble there. He hoped. He never knew what shenanigans Nana would get into, or what she'd put into Isla's head.

His father sat by the fire, mixing the paint for tonight. Normally, Victoria would help with this part, but she had been so tired lately with her advanced pregnancy, they'd insisted she rest before the festivities of the night. Derulo and Zachariah were in the room as well, helping prepare for the evening.

"Where is Isla?" Landon asked, turning to face him, his black eyes dancing with the reflection of the fire.

"With Nana and Victoria. They'll bring her to the ceremony while we get ready here," he told his father, who snorted.

"Better be careful, son, that's dangerous company."

Kelly smirked. 

"She and Nana get along really well."

Landon chuckled.