Jack Vs Hulk

Hulk, who was already angry and impatient took this opportunity and rushed out of the container. Then without any other word, he looked at Jack who was taunting him and jumped at him while roaring.

Seeing this, Jack also transformed into his combat form immediately and ran towards Hulk in equal excitement.

The Hulk charged forward, his massive green fists slamming into Jack's black metal scales with a force that shook the very walls of the underground base. The sound of the impact echoed throughout the arena , reverberating off the thick walls.

Jack stood his ground, his body covered in the indestructible scales that had protected him in countless battles. The scales glinted in the dim light of the underground base, reflecting the Hulk's hideous face back at him.

For a moment, it seemed as though the two titans were evenly matched, their powerful physiques and incredible strength canceling each other out. But as the fight wore on, it became clear that Jack had the upper hand. After all, while the strength of the two were similar. But Jack's defense gave him an upper hand coupled with the fact that he was fighting with a sane mind while Hulk was only fighting based on his instincts.

With each blow, the Hulk found himself becoming more and more fatigued, his muscles aching and his breathing labored. Jack, on the other hand, seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment, his black metal scales absorbing the Hulk's incredible strength and redirecting it back at him.

The fight continued for what felt like hours, the two combatants locked in a brutal struggle for supremacy. The sound of their blows echoed through the arena , mingling with the sound of their grunts and roars.

Despite his incredible resilience and unbreakable will, the Hulk found himself struggling to break through Jack's defenses. Try as he might, he could not find a weakness in the indestructible scales that covered his opponent's body.

As the fight wore on, the Hulk's frustration began to grow. He felt that he was stronger than Jack , yet the scales seemed to render that strength useless.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, the Hulk launched himself at Jack with all his might. His fists slammed into the metal scales with incredible force, sending sparks flying in all directions.

But even this incredible display of strength was not enough to break through Jack's defenses. The scales absorbed the impact of the Hulk's blows, redirecting the energy back at him with a ferocity that left him reeling while Jack was only pushed back a few steps .

For a moment, everything was still. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, Jack launched himself at the Hulk, his black metal scales glowing with a metallic shean.

The two giants clashed one final time, their blows striking with incredible force. But this time, it was clear that Jack had the upper hand.

With a sudden burst of pure physical energy, he launched a powerful punch from his hands, slamming into the Hulk's chest with incredible force. The impact sent the Hulk flying backwards, his body slamming into the thick walls of the underground base.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, with a final gasp, the Hulk crumpled to the ground, defeated. Jack stood over him, his black metal scales glinting in the dim light of the underground base.

The fight was over, and Jack had emerged as the victor. But as he looked down at the defeated Hulk, he knew that the battle was far from over.

For even as the Hulk lay there, battered and broken, he was already beginning to rise once again, his incredible recovery power already healing him frantically. However for now, Jack was the clear winner.

At this moment everyone else sitting on the sidelines came over and started congratulating Jack on his victory. Meanwhile Emma once again put Hulk back into the same container after giving him a few shots of specially prepared sedatives.

Coincidentally, Natasha who was brought over under Alex's order happened to see the last scene where Jack defeated Hulk with a final punch.

" This is ... Hulk ? Who are these people? "

Natasha exclaimed.

Alex and the others also noticed her at this time and looked over at her.

" Well, look who is here? If it isn't the famous Black widow Natasha Romanoff ?"

Alex teased.

" Dr Eric Selvig ? What are you doing here? "

However at the moment Natasha didn't have the mood to listen to him. Instead she was more surprised when she saw the supposedly dead Eric Selvig. It's because they were never able to find any trace of him after the New York war that they thought him to be dead.

" Ah well, you see, I happen to be friends with these guys . That's why they helped to rescue me from Loki's control. And I have been recuperating here since then in order to take care of any sequeale. "

Eric Selvig who was standing between Jean and Galypso said shyly.

"Alright, enough of your questions. Did you forget that you are are a prisoner and I am the one who is supposed to ask questions here? Now tell me why you tried to infiltrate our shelter and what is your motive? "

Alex said in a serious manner.

Natasha also understood that it was futile to hide anything now. And besides her main mission was to ask the Illuminati organization for help in the war against Chittauri. The part about investigating their secrets was only auxiliary. Thus she immediately regained her bearings and decided to reveal her purpose.

" I am on a mission from SHIELD to ask for your help in the war . "

Natasha said.

" Oh, it must be Fury who sent you here. "

Alex pretended to only realize it now.

" You know him? "

Natasha already had her doubts when Fury said that he might have an idea about who were the leaders behind Illuminati. And it seems to be the case now.

" Well, we met a few times some time ago. "

Alex said casually.

" Then are you going to help us? "

Natasha asked back.

" Very well then , go back and tell Nick Fury that the Illuminati will soon take action to save the Earth and hold true to the meaning of the word 'Illuminati ' . "

( p. s. = Illuminati is a name given to different religious or non-religious societies and sects because of their claim to superior enlightenment.)

" Huh? It's that simple? "

Natasha was dumbfounded when she heard his words. She had already prepared a lot of rhetorics to convince him. She was even ready to listen to some conditions that they put forward in order to get their help . But now she felt like she just punched in the clouds. The other party agreed way too easily.

During the next period of time Natasha was still in a confused state. She didn't even notice that she was already sent back to the shelter and then released outside. She even forgot to ask about Hydra and Hulk's matter in a hurry and only now came back to her senses.

" Let's forget these things for now. First of all, I need to take this news back to SHIELD . "

Natasha said before hurriedly determining her current location and subsequently rushed in a certain direction.