The Threat

"In an effort to prevent a new Multiversal War, He Who Remains chose a number of realities and isolated them from the greater Multiverse, creating what he called the Sacred Timeline. He also founded the Time Variance Authority to manage the Sacred Timeline and prevent any further branches from happening, thereby stopping new unscripted realities from coming into existence, branches that could connect to the other realities of the Multiverse if allowed to exist."

Alex continued,

"To clarify, the Sacred Timeline was the term designated to the collection of realities that were isolated after the Multiversal War by He Who Remains. These realities shared the same baseline despite being different from one another as they all only led to the birth of He Who Remains and thus, prevented the birth of any evil Variants of him.

Therefore, the Sacred Timeline followed a strict script, which meant their inhabitants did not truly have free will since, if their choices caused a branch within the Sacred Timeline that deviated from the sacred path, the Time Variance Authority would arrive to prune it. These divergences were referred to as Nexus Events. The TVA had to prune those branches before they reached a certain point of no return, since after that, the timelines could not be reset and the Multiverse would spiral into chaos. "

"Fun fact, the Sacred Timeline is also prominently used to refer to a singular timeline, the main baseline, also known as Earth-616, which is the starting-point for all the timelines that the Time Variance Authority monitored. But that's not important for now."

"Although he now almost had the whole Multiverse dancing to his whims, but being as cautious as he is, He Who Remains eventually hid every trace of his existence and wiped the memories of his subordinates to retreat behind the scenes for safety, which caused every TVA personnel to believe that the bureaucracy was founded upon the idea that, during the Multiversal War, some mysterious beings called the Time-Keepers stood up and stopped the war by restructuring the Multiverse into one single timeline.

The TVA itself was in charge of pruning these new realities that could be created either by Multiversal time travel or unscripted decisions made by individuals inside of this Sacred Timeline. The actual and more specific details of the TVA's creation were kept secret to the TVA members themselves, who believed they were created by the Time-Keepers when, in fact, they were Variants stripped from timelines that were pruned.

For a long time, He Who Remains brought harmony to the Multiverse as no other Variantsof himself, who could be much worse, had a way to interact with the Sacred Timeline. However, He Who Remains was killed by Sylvie Laufeydottir which resulted in the Sacred Timeline being reconnected to the greater Multiverse, which allowed his other Variants to access the Sacred Timeline. "

Although all of them were intrigued about who this Sylvie Laufeydottir was as someone who managed to kill the almighty He Who Remains, Alex decided to keep silent on the topic so they had no choice but to keep their curiosity contained.

"Now for those wondering what's the threat, let me finally get to the point. With the connection to the Sacred Timeline re-established following He Who Remains' death, the Council ultimately decided to banish Kang to the Quantum Realm to stop him where he's likely going to be trapped for eternity. "

"But as a result of the aftermath of this, Temporal Loom,heart of the TVA and a device that refined raw time into a physical timeline and served as a failsafe to maintain the Sacred Timeline, overloaded and has finally self destructed which has led to entangling of multiple timelines and a large scale incursion event has been set forth in the universe.

When I met the Watcher a few years ago, according to him, one fifth of the Multiverse had already been destroyed by the time and soon our timeline is going to be caught in this temporal storm."

By the time Alex finished explaining, there was pin drop silence in the room.


As Alex's words settled over the room, a heavy silence enveloped the Avengers. The gravity of the situation they were facing had become undeniably clear, and the weight of it pressed on each of their shoulders like a physical burden. They had fought gods, aliens, and technology gone awry, but this—this was something far beyond anything they had ever encountered.

Tony Stark was the first to break the silence, his voice tinged with disbelief and frustration. "So, let me get this straight. You're telling us that because of this chain reaction set off by some cosmic bureaucratic mess, our reality, our entire existence, is on the brink of collapse?"

Alex nodded solemnly. "Exactly. The destruction of the Temporal Loom has set off a cascade of events that has led to the unraveling of timelines. This means that the barriers that once kept these realities separate are breaking down. And once those barriers are gone, the Incursions will continue until there's nothing left."

Captain America, always the voice of reason and leadership, stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Alright, let's say we believe you. What do we do next? How do we stop these Incursions from reaching our Earth?"

"Nothing, there's nothing we can do about it. We only have one option to survive and that is to fight head on, which means being prepared to destroy other Earths if they threaten ours."

"Destroy other Earths?" Bruce Banner's voice was a mixture of horror and disbelief. "You're talking about wiping out entire worlds. You're no better than Kang."

"It's not that simple, Bruce," Alex replied, his tone calm but firm. "I'm not saying I want to do this. I'm saying we have to, to save our reality. The Watcher showed me what's coming—if we don't act, every Earth, every timeline, will fall. It's the harshest choice, but it might be our only choice since I don't plan on dying any time soon. And I won't entertain any dissent."

"Harsh is an understatement," Tony Stark muttered. "We've faced impossible odds before, but this... This is beyond anything we've ever dealt with. We're not executioners."

Thor, who had remained quiet, listening intently, finally spoke. "There must be another way, Alex. We are warriors, protectors. We do not destroy innocent lives for the sake of our own. There has to be another path."

Alex turned to Thor, understanding his perspective but knowing the reality was much more complicated. "I wish there was, Thor. Believe me, I do. But the multiverse is collapsing in on itself. These are not normal circumstances. Sometimes, the hardest choices require the strongest wills."

"And, why do you think you're the strong one here ? If excluding me, yours is probably one of the weakest realities in the Multiverse."

Alex said jokingly to lighten the atmosphere, while taking a sarcastic jab at the MCU timeline.