Bella side chapter(2)

Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


"How much longer will I have to stay here?" I asked the border Captain as I was allowed to walk around to get some fresh air and stretch my legs after waking up and all of a sudden, two soldiers came and brought me here. I been waiting for several minutes, kept inside some kind of holding cell, nervous as I thought I might have done something bad.

As I was thinking of what I possibly did wrong, the door to my holding cell opened. I was scared as this man had an intimidating aura and that he was wearing a full suit of white armor that covered his entire body. The person behind the armor must have tell that I was nervous because they took off their helmet. "Please do not worry, You are not in trouble girl. I just want to ask some questions about the event from yesterday. If that's ok with you." It was a man behind the mask, he still looked intimidating as he had scars all over his face, and that he was missing an eye.

I stopped staring at his face as I knew it was rude and I nodded yes to his question. He then said "I read the report and read that you were the only survivor and that all of the humans were found dead with some kind of small bullet embedded in them or found near their bodies."

"The report also stated that there was no magic found on those bullets and that some kind of weird flying creature was spotted near the event. So, what did you see?" All of a sudden, his voice became serious. I was a bit surprised by the sudden shift of his tone but I quickly got over it and answered back.

"I do not know what it was. The thing was able to fly and hover but it had no wings. It even talked to me but it only said a simple word 'Follow'." I explained everything I saw, the humans attacking us, chasing us, the humans killing my brother, and the loud bangs.

But I did not tell him about the dream I had. I was just too scared to explain my dream as I made a deal with an unknown entity. I did not know whether the dream was true or not but I will not take a risk of telling him about the dream and the deal.

Though I started to cry as I explained what happened, the memories that I did not want to remember all came back to me. I just felt so weak knowing that I needed to depend on other people to save me, I felt that my brother could have been here if I would have moved my damn body. I wish that I couldn't feel so helpless, I just wish that I had the strength to protect my family, the strength to protect my friends, and the strength to save others.

I could only hope that the dream was real and the gift I got could empower me, but to be powerful enough so that nobody could hurt me or those that I care about. But deep, down, I knew the dream was just my imagination.

The man in front of me just stayed silent while I told what happened, there was no facial movement but I could see pity in his eyes when I told my story. Once I was done explaining what happened, he brought out a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped away my tears, and said "Sorry for your loss and for making you remember something traumatic, but thank you for explaining what happened. We will make proper graves for everyone so that they may rest in peace. Do you have any family members that could possibly take care of you?"

"Sorry, I don't know if I have any family ... left." I said this part sadly as I don't if anyone from my family is still alive.

"*Sighs* What should we do with you?" The captain started to pinch the bridge of his nose as he wondered what he should do next.

"I will order 2 of my men to escort you back to the herbalist's home. Thank you for your time. Oh, and my name is Neth. So if you ever need help, you can always ask me or my soldiers. If we're not busy, of course." Neth did a quick bow to me and called in two soldiers.

The two soldiers that brought me here also escorted me back to the herbalist. The walk back was a bit weird, it was just silent the whole time, and the only thing that I really noticed was the clanking of the two soldiers' armor.

I said my goodbye and thanks once we arrived back at the herbalist's home, well more like a giant tree house. When I opened the wooden door, I was greeted by a fist slamming down on my head. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? You know I told you to not stay out for long." The herbalist said, who told me to call her grandmother, but her real name is Merry. I was still not comfortable calling her grandmother so I still call her Merry.

"Ow, Why did you hit me? And I would have come earlier but I was brought to the Border captain to answer some questions." I quickly explained what happened as Merry was winding up another hit. Once she heard what I said, she slowly put her hand down and started to pat my head.

"Sorry for hitting you, I thought that you would have not listened to me as all of my other patients hardly listen to me when I say they need to rest. I should be angry at Neth instead." Merry was really sincere at first, but I swear I could see a dark aura surrounding her when she said that last part.

Merry then just sighed and said "Come in child, I need to do another check-up to see if there is anything else that's wrong with your body."

She brought me inside her home and made me sit down on a wooden chair. She then placed her right hand on my head and I soon felt a warm feeling enter my head and spread through my body. This feeling lasts for about a minute.

"Mm, Everything seems fine but I will keep you here for another 2 days to see if there is any kind of problem." Merry found nothing wrong with me but I could tell that something was wrong and that she was not telling me.

"Alright now, come and help me. I need you to dig up some winter berries that I have growing in my garden. I will show you how to dig them up." Merry grabbed my hand and took me to another room that was filled with different types of plants.


Thanks for reading, comment on any mistakes or changes I should do.

BTW, I'm already up to chapter 60 for this story. Im moving all of the finished chapters here because I couldn't change the option to fanfic, so just check out [Being Move to Fanfic] if you want to read the rest. Im just slowly moving and making changes as I transfer chapters.