
Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


"Merry, it's time we attend to the paperwork. Let's leave them to it," Enus remarked calmly, brushing off the incident with Trebor and Sumina. With a nod of agreement, Merry followed Enus back to his office, leaving the dueling pair behind. They had some catching up to do and some paperwork to finalize to officially designate Trebor as an F-rank adventurer.

As Enus and Merry left. Just like before, Trebor was easily dodging punches and kicks that were sent his way, all thanks to his wandering hands making their way to a sensitive area.

"ARRGH, YOU BASTARD, STAY STILL!" Sumina's rage boiled over, fueled by the frustration of being bested in combat by a complete stranger. Her anger intensified at Trebor's audacity to not only defeat her easily but also to touch her ears without consent. With fury blazing in her eyes, Sumina lunged forward, determined to retaliate against the groper.

As Trebor attempted to rationalize his actions, his words only served to further enrage Sumina. "Calm down, I only touched your fox ear because I was curious. I've never seen someone like you," he remarked obliviously. However, the phrase "calm down" proved to be the proverbial match to the powder keg of Sumina's fury. With an indignant glare, she seethed, her anger reaching its peak at the dismissive response. Trebor's innocent curiosity had unwittingly escalated the situation, leaving him to face the full force of Sumina's wrath.

As Sumina attempted to launch another punch at Trebor in her fury, he seized the opportunity to swiftly grab her arm and executed a move he learned from Warren. With some practiced precision, he deflected her attack and expertly flipped her over his shoulder. 

Despite the forceful slam onto the floor, Trebor made a concerted effort to mitigate the impact, ensuring that Sumina's fall was cushioned to prevent any further harm. His actions reflected a sense of restraint and concern for her well-being, even amid their heated confrontation.

As Trebor settled onto the floor, he positioned himself to fully restrain Sumina, cradling her legs with his own and firmly pressing down on her arms. With careful precision, he ensured that she was immobilized, effectively pinning her in place to prevent any further altercation. Despite the assertiveness of his actions, Trebor remained attentive to Sumina's comfort and safety. 

As the scene unfolded on the bustling floor of Iron Shroud, bystanders observed with a mixture of resignation and mild amusement. Several Ironshroud workers shook their heads in a knowing manner, their expressions indicating that such occurrences were far from uncommon in their line of work.

In the aftermath of duels between adventurers, it was not uncommon for the defeated party to react with aggression, whether stemming from bruised egos or other underlying factors. To the seasoned workers of Iron Shroud, such displays were simply part of the routine, and they continued about their duties with a sense of accustomed nonchalance.

As Trebor remained silent, his focus fixed on Sumina's attempts to break free from his hold, he failed to notice the group of three individuals approaching from behind. Among them was an elf woman wielding a bow, a male cat demi-human holding a staff, and a male fox demi-human who bore a striking resemblance to Sumina, holding a large shield.

Unaware of their presence, Trebor's attention was solely directed toward the fox girl beneath him, leaving him vulnerable to the newcomers' intentions.


Trebor's senses were jolted by the sudden outcry behind him, but before he could react, a searing impact slammed into the back of his head. The force of the blow sent shockwaves through his skull as a massive metal shield collided with him. Staggering forward, Trebor's vision blurred momentarily as he struggled to maintain his balance, caught off guard by the unexpected assault

Disoriented by the forceful blow, Trebor rolled forward, his grip on Sumina loosened as he was knocked off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Sumina swiftly rolled away from him, darting toward her brother and companions for safety.

"Thank you Brother, but let me fight him. I wanna punch his face so hard" As Sumina's brother approached, she expressed her gratitude before asserting her desire to confront Trebor herself.

Her anger, fueled by the humiliation of being restrained and the scrutiny of the onlookers, burned fiercely. With determination in her eyes, she yearned to unleash her pent-up frustration in a direct confrontation with Trebor, craving the satisfaction of delivering a decisive blow to his face. 

However, appearing to be the group leader, the elf woman stepped forward, positioning herself between her companions and Trebor. With a weary sigh and a gentle rub of her forehead, she displayed a calm demeanor amidst the chaos, hinting that such confrontations were not unfamiliar to her.

With a steely glare directed first at her friends and then at Trebor, the elf woman, exasperated, spoke in a firm tone. "Vulmino, Sumina, calm down," she commanded, her voice carrying a hint of authority. "If you two intend to fight, you must do so through a proper duel. And as for you, SIR in the armor,"

She continued, addressing Trebor directly, "You should know better than to touch others without consent. Such actions could easily earn you a reputation as a pervert."

"Even then, sir I must say this is all your fault. However, as I can tell you are being sincere and confused. Just follow one of Sumina's requests and we can be done and go our separate ways."

Though Sumina wanted to say something, the elf woman just glared at her as she had a lot on her plate, causing Sumina to quickly back down. Trebor just nodded as he realized it was his fault, but he didn't know why he had that urge to touch her fox ears.

After a moment of contemplation, Sumina's resolve solidified as she settled on her request. Despite the temptation to demand compensation or favors from Trebor, her desire for revenge outweighed all other considerations. With determination in her heart, she decided to exert her authority by commanding Trebor to fight with her at her discretion. It was a fitting punishment in her eyes, ensuring that Trebor would face the consequences of his actions.

Despite the option of simply requesting permission from Trebor to punch him in the face, she preferred not to take the easy route. Moreover, she sought a new dueling partner and recognized Trebor as an ideal candidate, observing his skill in evading and countering her attacks easily when they dueled.

Her brother, Vulmino, was inept with any weapon except for a shield. On the other hand, her friend Felarian, a cat demi-human, excelled as a mage but struggled with any physical tasks. Meanwhile, her best friend Elowen, a female elf, specialized as a Ranger, dedicating herself entirely to honing her archery prowess.

None among her companions could assist her in mastering swordsmanship, particularly with her preferred weapon, the greatsword. Despite being the physically strongest member of her group, she ranked lowest in terms of skill. Approximately a year ago, she attempted to spar with her brother, under the assumption that she could defeat him given his sole focus on shield usage. However, she suffered a resounding defeat.

Sumina lacked proper instruction in swordsmanship, and seeking training from a skilled instructor would require a significant financial investment. In contrast, Vulmino had the advantage of receiving formal teaching during his youth thanks to a teacher finding his talent, owing to his exceptional aptitude for shield combat.

Vulmino's instructor however refused to accept Sumina as a student solely because of her gender, asserting that she shouldn't even entertain the idea of wielding 'dangerous' weapons at all. He even said she had no talent for it at all. Though he might be right on that part.

She attempted to educate herself on swordsmanship by reading instructional materials but quickly lost interest, finding the content incomprehensible and unengaging. 

Clearing her throat, she enthusiastically gestured towards Trebor and declared, "I want you to be my instructor and teach me swordsmanship. Additionally, I expect us to engage in duels whenever I desire." Elowen was taken aback by her friend's unexpected boldness, doubting that such a request would come from her usually reserved companion.

In fact, the last time this happened, Sumina swiftly knocked out the man who dared to touch her ears without permission. In that event, the man even lost some of his teeth as a consequence.

"Wait what n-" Vulmino quickly tried to change his sister's request but Trebor cut him off.

"Deal. However, I need to leave immediately. I have some friends waiting for me at a store called 'Old Roots' named Artin and Bella. If you need to reach me again, leave a message with them. But I'll be absent for approximately 3-6 days." 

With that, before anyone could interject, Trebor hastily departed from the second floor of Iron Shroud.

The urgency stemmed from Trebor being summoned by Alexa, or more precisely, the system as it required materials for Alex's new body.


"So, that's the gist of what happened while you were asleep," Trebor, Artin, and Bella recounted their adventures. However, one pressing concern remained for Alex: the whereabouts of Gastly, his Ankylosaurus, and Ethan during this time.

In the lands that housed Merry's home, the Ankylosaurus was leisurely grazing on lush grass, relishing in the simple joys of life. Over the past week, its routine consisted of eating and sleeping, undisturbed by any threats, thanks to the protection afforded by a powerful tree guarding Merry's domain. Living in this idyllic sanctuary, it enjoyed a life akin to paradise.

However, there was one persistent annoyance: one of its master's summons, a troublesome purple gas, proved to be a constant pain. Regardless of the time, this mischievous ball of gas would materialize out of nowhere and stir up trouble. The Ankylosaurus attempted various tactics to rid itself of the nuisance—biting, stomping, and even swinging its tail—but to no avail. Once, the pesky gas even licked it, rendering the Ankylosaurus immobilized for several minutes.

While the ongoing nuisance persisted, Ethan remained occupied with his own endeavors. Recognizing the potential complications of entering Mosshorn with his group, particularly given his status as a fully functional 'golem', this directly came from Merry. 

He opted to immerse himself in the splendor of nature instead. Engaging in a hunting expedition, he sought to deepen his understanding of this unfamiliar world.

Ethan dispatched wolves and other beasts with ease using simple punches and the sword bestowed upon him by his master. He reserved his gun strictly for emergencies, relying instead on his strength and metal body. Creatures he encountered typically fled or engaged in combat, with the ones that fought him all meeting the same fate— their cores collected while their bodies succumbed to the forest's scavengers.

However, this only lasted for about 2 days before he was called by the system.

Alex nodded in acknowledgment of their stories, though he harbored additional questions for later. With a swift glance at his [Map], he could discern the whereabouts of all his summons, noting the newly explored sections of his map, thanks to their endeavors.

Throughout the conversation, the small, red-eyed girl in Alex's arms remained eerily motionless, not uttering a single sound.

As Artin spoke, Alex initially presumed the little girl had drifted off to sleep. However, when he glanced at her, her blood-red eyes stared back blankly, devoid of emotion, except perhaps a hint of fear. Even when her stomach audibly grumbled, she remained silent and motionless, offering no response.

Alex retrieved one of the many apples from his [Inventory] and extended it to the girl, but she simply stared at it. Perplexed, Alex instructed, "Eat the apple," prompting a look of confusion from the girl. Nevertheless, she obediently grabbed the apple and attempted to take a bite.

Alex pondered whether the apple's skin was too tough for the girl or if she was indeed too weak to bite through it. Observing only faint teeth marks on the apple skin, he decided to help. 

Taking the apple from her, he effortlessly split it in half with his hands and sharp claws, offering her a portion that she could consume more easily.

The girl remained silent but eagerly consumed the apple pieces. Alex had to produce three more apples before she seemed satisfied. Using a bit of his water affinity, he gathered water droplets to clean the girl's hands and face, which were covered in juice from the apples.

After tending to her with some gentle head pats and employing [Healing Grace] on her, Alex posed one final question. "What is your name, little one?"


Yo, thanks for reading

Comment on any mistakes you see and I'll try to fix it.