
Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


"Mmh, that's weird?" Alex was currently looking around, trying to find..... something? One moment, everything seemed normal, yet the next second, something just felt different. No, something felt wrong?

Alex was still in the dungeon, and from what he could see, nothing was wrong. So other than shivering for a moment that caused all of his hairs to stand straight up, which made him look like a ball of black fluff. He just ignored the feeling that something was wrong.

After thoroughly scavenging the area for any salvageable items, Alex collected what he could find: mostly bones, rusted weapons, mana cores retrieved from the boss and other fallen enemies, and notably, the surprisingly intact albeit rusted and chipped bastard sword, the weapon wielded by the boss.

He just stored everything that he could get his grubby hands on and left. The funny thing was that before Alex could even order his dungeon mobs to return back home. A black flash appeared out of nowhere and wrapped itself around Alex's neck. 

This was none other than the little demon girl, who at last divulged her name after being persuaded with chocolate bars. What saddened Alex, however, was the realization that she had been nameless.

She didn't even possess a name, but from the fragmented memories she could muster, she could vaguely recall being referred to simply as 'girl'. Alex persisted in his inquiries, hoping to uncover more about her past. However, all she could recollect was being cared for by goblins before being chained up by her captors.

Upon hearing her story, Alex let out a heavy sigh and enveloped her in a comforting hug. After a moment, he gently patted her back before lifting her onto his shoulder, offering her a place to sit. 

"Your new name is Kali." Alex whispered this to the little demon girl on his shoulder, now named Kali. Although she didn't say a word. She seems to show her emotions more through actions than speaking, as she started to bury her face into Alex's somewhat soft and fluffy fur. 

Now that she was on his shoulder and safe, he gave orders to retreat back home. Although he was able to level up and gather a lot of materials, it wasn't without losses. At least a fourth of his forces were killed, and most of his losses were on the first floor.

On the way out of the dungeon, Ethan made a discovery: the weapons wielded by the goblins were coated with a fast-acting yellowish poison. This poison induced a rapid necrotic effect, functioning as a systemic poison that swiftly killed its victim by shutting down their body functions.

So thanks to that, some of Alex's mobs were easily killed thanks to a simple slash. Still, with the use of his [Inventory], he was able to identify the name of this poison, which was called 'Widow's Veil extract'. 

And where to find more of this Widow's Veil extra? Alex doesn't know at all, neither does his system. 

As there wasn't much he could do, he just left the poison-coated weapons in his [Inventory] for later use and continued walking as he really wanted to leave this damn shitty-smelling dungeon.

So after making sure to loot everything as he left the dungeon, actually leaving the dungeon bare as not even the torches on the walls were safe from him. He used all of his tokens and hoped for something good. 


Summon Token - Ghillie Dhu (Scottish Folklore)

Ability/Passive Token - Herbalism (Native American Traditions) (Passive)

Item Token - Gnome Hat

Random Token - Glow (Ability)

Dungeon Token - Treacherous Bogland Template

[Herbalism] being fused with host plant affinity. This fusion will empower host plant affinity.


Currently right in front of Alex, standing no taller than an 8-year-old child and appearing around the same age as Kali, the Ghillie Dhu is adorned with a cloak of vibrant green leaves and moss that rustle softly with every movement. His body was also covered with delicate tendrils of ivy and ferns. Despite his small stature, the Childlike Ghillie Dhu exudes an aura with a hint of a very small amount of wisdom and a large amount of innocence, with wide, curious eyes that sparkle with mischief and wonder.

The Ghillie Due sported elf-like ears adorned with two small nubs protruding from beneath his dark green, unkempt hair, which was speckled with bits of loose leaves. Clutching a small dark brown staff, slightly taller than himself, the Ghillie Due's staff was adorned with entwined vines and moss, lending it a natural and earthy appearance.

Although Alex had summoned Dhu directly in front of him, Dhu immediately ignored Alex and just started to walk around. Dhu was more focused on hearing and smelling his new home. In fact, he didn't even notice that right behind there was a horde of white beasts and Alex.

He completely ignored his surroundings until he felt something pick him up by his 'scruff'. Whatever had picked him slowly turned him around until he was faced with a scary-looking demon and a cute girl. 

"Uhhh.... hi?" Dhu gave a bright smile and did an unsure wave with his hand, while also poking the demon's head with his staff. The scary-looking demon just stared at him while the little girl that was on the demon's shoulder just narrowed her eyes at him and pouted. 

Alex just sighed as the little boy continued to try and poke his eyes. 

"What's your name, boy? And stop trying to poke my eyes, else you're going to get a spanking" Alex shook the boy a little bit which somehow made him dizzy as spirals started to appear in his eyes. 

Alex just sighed again and hoisted the boy over his free shoulder. He also stored the little boy staff in his [Inventory] for safekeeping. Kali however just secretly glared at the boy as she didn't like someone else taking Alex's attention.

So once that failure of an introduction was over, Alex and his group continued walking back home. And it was pretty calm, other than an occasional horned rabbit and wolf, nothing happened and they made it home safe. Of course on the way back home, the little boy woke up and started to shout at Alex to release him.

"AAAA, release the great Dhu you demon! Wait till my new master comes and beats you up!" The little boy, Dhu, was trying to shake himself out of Alex's grip and was smashing his fists on Alex's back. Of course, Alex only felt something was tickling his back.

"Alright Dhu, calm down. I'm the one that summoned you. And stop hitting me, it doesn't even hurt." Alex placed Dhu down and gave the boy a small flick on his forehead to calm him down. which didn't even work at all.

Instead, Dhu started to sniff as small tears started to form in his eyes. This caused Alex to panic as he didn't expect Dhu to cry. Thankfully with some quick thinking and past experience of taking care of little children, Alex brought out some leftover chocolate that he used to bribe Kali.

"Whaa-" Just as Dhu was about to cry, he sniffed something sweet and opened his eyes to see what it was. Just as he was about to ask what it was. Alex stuffs the small chocolate piece into Dhu's mouth so that he would stop crying. 

"Wai-, mmm....mmm...MMM, More, I want More!!!!" Dhu, who was just about to cry, suddenly changed his mood in a snap and had stars in his eyes as he tasted the chocolate. Just like before, Alex just shook his head and asked.

"Dhu, I'm the one who summoned you. Just answer me and I'll give you some more of this chocolate." Alex said this while waving the chocolate bar in front of Dhu, who was drooling as he wanted more chocolate, however just as Alex said that. He felt Kali tugging at his fur. 

He looked over at Kali and saw her pouting, so he gave her half the chocolate bar. 

"HEY, that's for me." Dhu yelled and pointed at Kali while pouting as he wanted the chocolate bar for himself.

"Hey, no yelling. Answer me this and I'll give you a new chocolate bar." Thankfully 3 bars of chocolate only cost 1 SP, he even stockpiled a bit as he has a bit of a sweet tooth himself.

"Fine, but you better give me one of these chocolate bar demon!" Dhu pointed at Alex and lowered his voice, trying to be more intimidating. But Alex just snickered as Dhu looked funny trying to make a scary face.

"Ok, So Dhu, what were you doing before you came here and what can you do?" Alex squatted down so he could see eye to eye with Dhu, well, tried to see eye to eye. He can look through his [Summon] tab to see what Dhu can do but he prefers to hear it through Dhu. 

"Mmh, well. I was... I was... trying to hide from the bad men hunting me when everything around me froze. When everything froze, I saw a blue screen appear in front of me asking if I wanted to meet new friends and find a new home. So I agreed. Next thing I know I was here." Just as Dhu said that, Dhu tapped his head with his fist and stuck his tongue out. 

"Hehe, whoops, I forgot that you were supposed to be my new master." Dhu chuckled a bit as when he agreed to the blue screen, memories of his new master appeared in his mind along with other information about the summons like him and the languages of this world. 

"Come here Dhu" Alex stood straight up and grabbed Dhu, placing him on his free shoulder while giving him a new chocolate bar. "What was your world and life like before you came here Dhu?" Alex asked softly while continuing to walk back home.

"Mmh... *Crunch* Mmmh.... wellll... It was very dark most of the time. Smoke filled the sky so I didn't really have much of a home as most trees were dying. I mostly wandered around and ate whatever the animals I talked with would share with me." Dhu said with a smile as he remembered one of his best friends.

"I think when I was wandering around the country of Berwickshire, I met this deer that named himself Hew. He was my best friend and always helped me find food. But... but... the humans set a trap for Hew and his people. and were... successful." Dhu was happy at first but slowly became sad as he said the last part. 


Thanks for reading 

Comment if there are any mistakes or changes I should make.

Should I still call Alex's new summon Dhu or should I change his name? If I were to change it, please comment on what I should call him and keep it Scottish. 

Next chapter, I'm going to try and do some lore for Dhu. comment if I do get anything wrong from his folklore, of course there are changes as he's a child and is from a different Earth.