Side Chapter: The Squad(1)

Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


"It's ten bronze coins per person. Sign here and here. If you all want to form an official group since you're all 'rookies' working together, it will cost an additional 40 bronze coins. If you read here, these are the benefits given to official groups, depending on their ranks," said a young-looking dwarf to the three men before him.

The current leader of our small group, Trebor, assumed his role because he was the oldest—at least mentally. He reached for a small coin pouch he kept around his neck and took out a silver coin and ten copper coins that Alex had given them. Since Trebor was already registered as an adventurer, only Warren and Akitaru needed to fill out some paperwork. They grabbed the forms and sat down at a nearby empty table.

Trebor was the one who filled out the paperwork to officially form a group for the three of them. However, there was a small section that required both Warren and Akitaru's input: the name and symbol of their new group.

"Let's focus on the name first. What should we call our group?" Warren asked, casually draping his arm over the back of his chair and leaning back slightly, deep in thought.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. We're all from different places and quite different from each other. I'm trying to think of something that fits all of us, but nothing's coming to mind," Akitaru sighed. He didn't know much about Warren or Trebor yet, though that was changing with time. Still, he was new to the group, only a 'couple of days old'.

"Mmh, Waitress, bring 3... red ales and roasted meat sandwiches, make mine beef" As Warren and Akitaru were absently mindlessly saying random names out loud from past organizations from their worlds. Trebor ordered 3 drinks and food from a nearby menu out of the blue.

"Chicken for me" Akitaru said instinctively, though he was confused by the sudden order. Warren stayed silent for a moment, reading the menu he had yanked from Trebor.

"Lamb for me, with a side of mashed potatoes," Warren said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he placed his order.

"On it, sir, but may I recommend..." The waitress, a blond elf girl dressed in Ironshroud female work attire, wore a long black skirt starting at her hips and ending at her shins. Her simple white blouse featured puffed-up sleeves, with a neckline starting at her shoulders and offering a modest view of her attire. She wore a black corset over the blouse, attempting to add appeal, and a large leather belt with a bronze buckle securing her skirt in place.

Tried to warn our small group about the drinks but was interrupted by a nearby table of drunken dwarves causing a ruckus. They were spilling beer all over the floors and tables, engaged in a contest to see who could drink the most with their hard-earned earnings.

"Those bastards, it's every day with them!" The elf girl muttered, visibly annoyed. She sighed inwardly, silently thanking her goddess that it wasn't her responsibility to clean up the mess. "Sorry, Mr. Knight. I'll be right back with those drinks. The rest of your order should take around 10 minutes." With a quick, apologetic bow, she hurried off, weaving through the restaurant to place their orders at the kitchen while still attending to other tables.

Though both Warren and Akitaru still had their helmets on, Trebor could sense their raised eyebrows and questioning looks directed at him.

"What? I haven't had a drink in so long, or even something good to eat," Trebor quickly defended himself. "All I had in my previous life was plain, tasteless meat and whatever water I could find. Even after I came here, I've mostly been eating fruits and unseasoned meat."

"Plus, we'll think better with a bit of food and beer in our systems," Trebor insisted. Warren and Akitaru both wanted to shake their heads, but they reluctantly agreed with his point. Warren, especially, hadn't touched alcohol in two decades due to the war back home. Thus they returned to filling out their paperwork and completed it before their drinks arrived.

Just like every new adventurer starting at f-rank, they are all given a simple bronze necklace that has a small plate with a massive 'F' on one side, with their name, race, and other information about themselves on the other side. Of course, if one were to make their own official group, they can personally design their own necklace or make something new to show which group and rank they are a part of. At a price.

Anyway, the waitress was swift with their drinks, swiftly delivering three large glass mugs filled to the brim to our group before hurrying off to attend to her other duties. As she passed their drinks, they offered her a quick thanks and turned their attention to the drinks.

With the deep red beer in front of them, Warren was the first to remove his helmet and take a sip of the red ale.

"Damn, that's strong!" Warren exclaimed, coughing slightly and thumping his chest plate. The potent red ale caused his whole body to shiver.

"Bah, can't be that strong? Okay, never mind," Akitaru said confidently before taking a sip, only to be caught off guard. "This must be whiskey," he choked out, holding back a cough as he noticed nearby tables laughing at their reactions.

However, Trebor gave out a hearty laugh at his new friends as Akitaru was trying his best to not have a coughing fit from a simple sip. While Warren kept trying to drink the ale but could only take small sips at a time.

Just as Trebor was laughing at them, he suddenly felt a hard pat on his back.

"BWAHAHA, You younglins must be new here. This sort of ale is for real men. Not little greenhorns like you. Here, let me take that for you." The dwarfs from earlier, the ones that were making a mess, came to their table as they saw a free chance to get some free drinks.

Now, the dwarves said 'younglings' as they did have a longer lifespan than humans and were somewhat in their middle ages, 70s. However, even though both Warren and Trebor were in their 40's with Akitaru in his early 30's. The system reverted their physical age all the way back to their prime self. In this case, everyone's physical age appeared to be in the mid 20's. It even got rid of physical scars, leaving their skin smooth and unblemished, any gray hairs they had before poof out of existence.

In front of the four dwarves dressed in heavy leather armor and typical adventurer gear, Warren and his group looked like rookies, especially since Akitaru and Warren had just signed up to become adventurers.

Just as the dwarves' leader reached for Trebor's mug, Warren slammed his empty mug on the table, startling everyone around.

Either Warren was a lightweight or that whiskey is really strong (it's very strong). Warren declared drunkenly, calling out to the dwarves.

"Fuck off ye short fat bastards, go back to your tables ye shorties, you're smelling up the table. Hahahahahahah"

Warren laughed loudly as he called out the dwarves. He wasn't exaggerating about their smell; the four dwarves had returned from a grueling quest and had neglected to shower before diving into their drinks.

As Warren's words echoed through the guild, the lively atmosphere instantly hushed, all eyes turning towards their table.


Yo thanks for reading 

make sure to answer the question in 'Q&A(1)'

comment on any mistakes or changes I should make.