Sunny side up(1)

Talk - " "

Think + abilities/passives names - [ ]

System - ( )

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


Sneakily crawling through some bushes, silently moving along down on all 4's. Alex sniffed the blood puddles on the ground and examined what was around him.

He saw arrows, broken swords, and gashes all over the ground and trees. But when he really looked closer, It was clear there was a bloodbath, bits of guts and flesh were thrown everywhere. He guessed… maybe around 4 people died here. 

He crawled along the floor sniffing everything from this bloodbath, smelling every bit of guts and flesh that was being eaten by the forest, to find some sort of clue as to what caused this.

After sniffing around for a bit, the rotten egg smell intensified, reaching its peak as he stumbled upon a large onyx-colored slab with a single brownish magic circle etched across its surface. The slab, about one foot in both length and width, but an inch thick, was smooth yet dark, almost absorbing the faint light around it.

He touched the somewhat, gooey? Yeah... he touched the gooey slab to see if anything would happen, but other than his sharp claws sinking into the slab, nothing happened.

So he put it into his [Inventory] to see the name of whatever it was. Thankfully everything that was put into his [Inventory] was named.


Corrupted Obsidian summoning tablet

"This's obsidian, what the fuck?" Alex pulled the tablet out of inventory and held it in his hand. With a build similar to wet paper, the tablet was very malleable, yet it stayed together.

He could fold it half easily and even mold it into a ball. It was kinda fun to mess with, but before he could even mess with it more. A scream travels through the forest, with a sickening crunch soon following it.

Alex immediately put away the tablet and looked in the direction the scream came from. His furry ears were twitching constantly, trying to pick up any sort of sound. Soon the direction of the sound was locked down thanks to his ears.

With a casual pace, he slowly moves through the forest to find whatever has been summoned. It was pretty obvious that a group tried to summon something and failed terribly. However he didn't really care about what happened, he was only concerned about what was summoned. I mean come on, it literally said the tablet was corrupted.

After walking for a bit and making sure to move quietly, he slowly climbed up a large tree easily, thanks to his sharp claws, and found himself looking at a large pond.

Though the view was really wonderful, the sound of bones breaking and flesh being eaten ruined the view.

Looking down at the base of the tree he climbed on, a large black ant the size of a large dog was feasting on something that appeared to be…

A head?

Yeah, the ant was feasting on an elven head. He could tell it was an elf head due to the sharp pointy ears still being…

Never mind, the ant just ate both ears. It was actually kinda cool how the ant ate.

It spat some sort of sticky green liquid that liquefied all the flesh easily into a gooey paste. It then used its mandibles to grab the paste and used its small little claws by its mouth to put the paste into its mouth.

Weird, but cool to see.

Alex watches for a couple of minutes. However, once he saw the ant finished eating, the voice of a woman appeared in his mind and it definitely wasn't Alexa.

[So, are you going to continue watching or will you introduce yourself to this queen] The ant looked up at Alex nervously as the ground below it started to shift.

Alex examined the 'queen' ant and it was clear that it was very hurt. Most of its carapace was cracked, dented or completely missing as it bled a grayish fluid. With 2 out of its 6 legs missing and both antennas missing.

Alex ignored her question as he was just going to kill it as it was already almost dead, but a quick interjection from Alexa stopped that plan.

[Wait Wait, keep this ant alive. If it's really a queen ant that can use the earth element, it would be an amazing addition to your Dungeon. Just knock it out and don't kill it!]

As Alex trusted Alexa, he stopped gathering mana in his hands and asked [How would I knock it out? Even then, I don't think the ant would follow my commands for the dungeon.]

[Just keep... hitting the head until it stops moving. Once it stops moving, use the demon core you have and place it anywhere on the ant. The system will do the rest]

With a deep breath, Alex gathered his Fire mana into his fist but stopped as pain shot through his chest and arms.

"Arrrg, what just happened?" A groan of pain left his body as he felt needles shooting through his upper body. Thankfully Alexa explained the pain.

[Alex, Fire isn't compatible with your plant element. With your amount of 'training', you're incapable of mixing most elements. Additionally, Your entire body is currently made up of the plant element, I recommend using your water and earth elements if you wish to combine elements.]

With a quick thanks and embarrassment traveling to his head. Alex just let his plant element spread through his body and jumped down.

The ant easily noticed the build-up of mana from Alex and quickly shifted the earth below it to form a patchwork of rock armor. However as it was already tired, hurt, and low on mana, it knew that it didn't have long to live. But god damn it wasn't going down without a fight.

With thin layers of rock just covering its exposed and vital parts, it dashed forward with its mandibles wide open.

Alex landed on the ground and did a quick sidestep. Alex was faster than the almost dead ant, so as it passed by him. He threw both his hands toward the ant's mandibles and hurled himself toward the ant. He grabbed both sections of the mandibles and pushed down, at the same time, he used all of his weight to knock the ant to its side.

Alex easily flipped the ant over on its back, shifted a leg over its underside, and placed a hand on its neck joint. The ant's legs started to move furiously and managed to leave some large gashes on Alex due to the sharp spikes covering its exoskeleton-covered leg.

But with a quick twist and pull, its final 2 hind legs were pulled off, leaving it with only 2 front legs. But that changed quickly as he bit down hard on the last 2 legs, making a sickening crunch as his jaw completely bit through the armor on its legs.

A loud screech emerged from the ant as it slowly stopped moving. The amount of blood it lost was already too much and with Alex making it even worse, the pain and blood loss made it pass out.

Holding the knocked-out ant in place to fully make sure that it was safe to let go. Alex used [Healing Grace] on the most damaged parts so it wouldn't die too fast. Sure, he was supposed to bash the ant's head but hey, bloodloss works too!

Alex brought out the E-Demonic dungeon core he had and placed it on the exposed flesh of the ant. 

With literal excitement radiating off the demon core as a little voice was yelling in his head with happiness to finally be of use. It slowly sank into the ant's abdomen and disappeared from his view.

At the same time, Alex's right hand, without him doing it, moved quickly to the ant's partly exposed brain and pierced through it.

Again with a quick motion, a rust-colored core was pulled out as blood and flesh were pulled with it. The core was automatically put into his [Inventory] with mana leaving his right hand and being directly injected into the ant's body.

As a massive amount of mana was injected into the ant, blue lines quickly spread through its body until the entire body was just blue. Once that process was done, the ant's body started to compress and compress until it formed a small red egg the size of a baseball. It turns red due to the demonic core Alex used.


Queen Terragnath egg complete

Hatch time (0/3) Days


A grin formed on Alex's face as he read the notification, well he couldn't form a grin but you get the idea. He grinned because 1, he had something that should be able to expand his dungeon.

2, Along with a headache, new information opened up to him from the dungeon beginner guide.

The basic points of the new information include how to make new creatures through the use of the system, like what's happening right now with the ant, the binding process of forcing creatures to become part of his dungeon, and dungeon expansion.

With new ideas already forming in Alex's head, he opened his [Map] and headed back home.


Thanks for reading

BTW, most of the stuff that happened to Alex, along with minor plot points, such as Kali, our new ant friend 🐜, the creation of his body, and even where he was first born. Are done through an RNG Wheel I use for this entire novel.

Major plot points, like needing a creature to help expand his dungeon are done by my choices. But what creature he was going to get was done with the wheel.

Some creatures he could have gotten were moles, worms, bees, orcs, Earth elementals, earth demons, and practically anything I could think of that is good for digging, hell Alex could have found an Earth dragon egg instead.

Anyway, if things seem random, they most likely are random.

So Pray to the RNG Gods and have a good day.