Side Chapter: The Squad(2)

Talk - " "

Think - [ ]

System - ()

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


Talk - " "

Think - [ ]

System - ()

Author thought - [[ ]]

Action - * *


[[This's a check up on our characters, specifically, Alex's summons]] 

"That's a good girl. You love these leaves, don't you!" Merry cooed, rubbing Anky's chin as the creature let out a low, contented rumble. Balancing her bright green notebook, marked only with the title 'Ankylosaurus Biography', Merry carefully jotted down her observations, her fancy and expensive pen scratching softly against the page.

She unfurled a bundle of diverse flora, methodically presenting them individually to gauge Anky's preferences. Each nibble and sniff was noted, and the patterns of her chewing were studied with rapt attention. As Merry worked, she examined the Ankylosaurus from every angle, her fingers tracing the ridges along its spiked back, marveling at the tough yet smooth texture of its armored hide.

Thanks to her magic, Merry had even peered into Anky's internal workings, a fascinating glimpse into the anatomy of the creature that wasn't even found in any bestiary she nor an academic library had. Though her expertise lay primarily in the study of flora, her natural aptitude for understanding herbivores shone through.

Weeks of research had yielded some knowledge about Anky. Every habit, every quirk, every preference had been uncovered and documented.

However, there was still some stuff that puzzled her endlessly, like the fact that somehow Anky would randomly receive boosts in its strength and durability after killing something on their daily walks and the fact that there was no magic radiating from Anky at all. 

No matter how weak or small a living creature is, it will always carry traces of mana within its body. Even the simplest ant, no larger than a grain of sand, holds a minuscule amount of mana. Yet something as massive as Anky had none at all.

Despite being unable to solve this mystery on her own, she knew some of her friends might be able to help. It had also been quite some time since she last had tea with them, so this gave her the perfect excuse to gather her workaholic companions, encourage them to take a break, and enjoy a relaxing day together. 

And, perhaps, she could rub it in her friends' faces that she might have discovered not one but two new species, an achievement they all desperately strived for in their respective fields of study. But her daydream of bragging rights was abruptly interrupted when the pen she had set down only moments ago vanished.

"Haaa… how long are we going to keep playing this game? You know you'll never win," she sighed.

Though her favorite pastime was studying the Ankylosaurus, her routine often included dealing with Gastly, a mischievous yet oddly friendly ghost who, unlike others of its kind, didn't seem intent on draining the life force from everything around it. The ghost floated above her now, attempting to drop the pen onto her head.

With a casual snap of her fingers, wooden tendrils sprouted from the tree behind her, snatching the pen, and Gastly, mid-air.

"Gastly," she muttered with a roll of her eyes. The name was somewhat fit for a floating ball of gas, but still, She couldn't help but wish its previous owner had a better sense of naming. And Anky? That was just lazily keeping the first four letters of its species name! She was sure she could come up with something far more creative for both of them. From what that 'robot' told her, Gastly was something called a 'Pokemon', which she had never heard of before while the Ankylosaurus was considered an ancient creature.

Still, with a green notebook in her hands and a black one resting beside her, she stood up, brushed off the dirt that had gathered on her dress, and headed back to her house. Sensing several familiar mana signatures entering her domain, she began preparing food.

 [[Anky and Gastly are doing well so far, wonder when Gastly will evolve]]


"Mama… I'm scared!"

Clutching his mother tightly and dropping a basket of berries and herbs, the young elven boy, barely seven years old, hid behind her as a pack of ferocious wolves slowly crept closer. What started as a simple forage for berries and herbs, not far from their small village, had turned into a nightmare as several starving wolves unexpectedly found them.

With an unclimbable rock wall behind them and a snarling pack of forest wolves closing in, it seemed like the end for the mother and her son. Just as the mother pulled her son close, trying to shield him with her body, one of the wolves lunged toward them.

A loud cry, followed by a sickening thud, rang out. Though the boy was too terrified to open his eyes, the mother dared a glance. To her shock, she saw the severed head of a wolf slowly roll to her feet. Her eyes shot up, and she saw a figure, a man completely covered in leaves, sidestep as another wolf lunged at him. With a swift upward motion, the man effortlessly cut the second wolf in half.

"Stay behind me and don't try to run. I can protect you as long as you stay there," the man said firmly, his voice steady even as the remaining seven wolves rushed him all at once.

Yet, he showed no trace of fear.

With a simple thrust of his sword, the man effortlessly pierced through the stomach of one wolf. At the same time, he grabbed its head with his free hand. In one swift motion, he pulled the blade downward, gutting the wolf, and hurled its lifeless body into another wolf, sending it tumbling.

A third wolf managed to lunge at his arm, its snarling jaws snapping down with full force. However, instead of drawing blood, its teeth met only the man's sturdy armor. A few of its fangs shattered on impact, leaving nothing but faint dents on the metal.

Calmly raising the arm the wolf had latched onto, the man grabbed the creature's head with his other hand and, with shocking ease, crushed its skull like it was nothing. Merely shaking his head to get rid of some brain matter. The man just tossed the sword behind him to the woman and decided to just get his hands dirty. 

The remaining five wolves hesitated, fear flickering in their eyes. But hunger clouded their judgment, driving them forward. They were too starved to abandon their prey and waste precious energy chasing something else. Desperation fueling their actions, they rushed the man all at once, hoping to overwhelm him.

Unfortunately for them, they were no match for him. A simple punch from the man was enough to shatter bones.

One wolf lunged at his leg, but a single, precise stomp crushed its skull instantly. Another wolf went for his other leg, only to be caught mid-air by its neck. Without missing a beat, the man swung the captured wolf like a weapon, slamming it into a third wolf that aimed for his throat. The impact sent the third wolf flying into a nearby tree, its body crumpling against the trunk, yet it was still alive, left with a couple of broken bones.

Still holding the wolf by its neck, the man used his free hand to twist its head sharply. The snap echoed through the clearing, and the creature went limp in his grasp.

With only three wolves left, the man casually tossed the lifeless body aside. One of the remaining wolves lunged at him, but all it achieved was breaking its own teeth against his armor. The man, unfazed, let his arm act as a shield before retaliating. His cold, metal hand pierced through the wolf's belly with brutal efficiency, ending its life in seconds.

Only two wolves remained, one unscathed and the other on the brink of death. The healthy wolf, too terrified to fight, turned tail and fled into the forest. The man scanned the area carefully, ensuring no other threats were lurking nearby. But after waiting for a couple of minutes, nothing came, so he approached the dying wolf and, with a heavy stomp to its head, ended its suffering.

With the danger gone, he walked toward the woman and dropped to one knee.

"Sorry you had to see that, but are you able to walk?" he asked gently, picking up the sword he had tossed near her earlier. The man offered his hand, helping her to her feet and doing his best to comfort her as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Tha... thank you for saving us. Thank you for saving my son. I'm… fine, I can walk." Her voice trembled as she turned to her son. "Oh, Folas… Folas, open your eyes. We're safe, thanks to this man."

As she gently shook her son to rouse him, her tear-streaked face lifted to the man. "Oh, um… What's your name, sir?" she asked, her voice quivering with gratitude and curiosity, wanting to know more about their savior.

"My name is Ethan, but let's get out of here quickly. The smell of blood will likely attract other creatures," he said, his tone calm yet urgent. After ensuring the woman could walk without issue, Ethan glanced down at his ghillie suit. Large tears in the fabric revealed glimpses of his metal frame beneath, though he was confident most people would assume it was simply armor.

With the mother and her son safely by his side, Ethan decided to stay with them, walking alongside them toward their village to ensure no further harm came their way. As they traveled, he engaged the woman, Saleh, in light conversation to gather more information about the area. 

[[Ethan also doing fine, just exploring the area around Alex's dungeon to see if there's anything interesting]] 


"Let's take this one, it offers 8 silver coins and 20 coppers for completion. And all we gotta do is track and destroy a simple wolf den. That seems pretty simple for us." Grabbing a piece of paper from the 'F-Rank Quest' bulletin board, Trebor showed Warren and Akitaru the piece of paper.

It stated 

Quest Type: Investigation and Extermination 

The small village of Hollowbrook has recently been plagued by strange occurrences at night. Livestock are disappearing, and howls echo through the nearby forest. The villagers suspect that a pack of forest wolves has taken up residence in the woods and started hunting their cattle. 

The village elder, Elda Greer, is offering 8 silver coins and 20 copper coins to anyone willing to investigate the forest, locate the forest wolves den, and ensure the village's safety.


8 silver coins 

20 copper coins

+ Corpses of the wolves and anything found in the den

"Yeah, it seems simple enough for us. With this, we should be able to pay for the extra rooms Vulwin offered. Let's check the map first to see how far it is before we take the quest," Warren said, scanning the paper carefully to make sure they hadn't overlooked anything important.

Heading to the third floor of Iron Shroud, the trio was greeted by the familiar sight of the massive library. They made their way to the corner of the floor where the maps were stored. Alex's [Map] ability had been updated a lot during their stay here, but they still needed more precise information.

At a large wooden desk sat the receptionist, who doubled as a cartographer. He appeared to be in his fifties, with sharp eyes behind a pair of slightly crooked glasses. Onos was busy writing and filing paperwork but paused when he spotted the familiar group approaching.

"Back again already? I thought you'd be holed up with all those books for much longer," Onos said, removing his glasses and giving the trio a small smile.

"Yeah, we finished most of the books you gave us," Warren replied, chuckling. "But we decided to take a quest. We need to make some money before we get kicked out and end up living on the streets."

"Hmm, I see. What can I help you with this time?" Onos asked, leaning back in his chair.

"We need to know how far the village of Hollowbrook is," Trebor said, handing over the quest paper. "We're taking an investigation and extermination quest, so we'd also like to know what else is near the area."

Grabbing the paper, Onos slid his glasses back on and skimmed through the quest details. After a moment, he set the paper down and made his way toward the storage room where the maps were kept.

"So, once Onos finds the map for Hollowbrook, I'm guessing we're going to take the quest," Akitaru said, his tone brimming with excitement as he mentally prepared for a potential fight with wolves, or something equally thrilling.

The sight of elves and the mass use of magic in this world had left Akitaru buzzing with anticipation. Sure, back in his own world, he'd seen people randomly combust into flames, and his crew had wielded the ability to manipulate fire. But all he'd ever had was his sharp mind and brute strength.

However, that might change now that he was here. Every day brought new surprises, including meeting new people, like a walking, talking robot from a world where humans had conquered the stars. With so much to look forward to, Akitaru felt excited but nervous at the same time. But his thoughts snapped back to the present when Onos returned, carrying a map.

"Here it is. Come closer," Onos said, spreading the map across the desk. He pointed to a spot near the center. "We're right here. Head east, and you'll reach Hollowbrook. It's about a 30-mile ride. Just follow this path, and you'll get there without trouble."

"Alright, thanks, Onos. Here you go." Warren handed over four copper coins, a gesture of gratitude for all the help Onos had given them. Their friendship had started when the trio were sightseeing in Mosshorn and got hopelessly lost. Onos had kindly guided them back to Iron Shroud, and since then, they have been good friends.

"Warren, Akitaru, take these coins and stock up on supplies for a… five-day trip," Trebor said, handing Warren a small coin pouch. "I'll handle this paperwork and give it to the receptionist. Meet me at the front doors in an hour."

During their time in Mosshorn, the trio had taken on simple quests, most of which involved assisting the locals. They'd stayed close to the city, using these tasks to build up their savings and, more importantly, to get to know each other better. After all, they would be working together for a very long time.

[[Looks like Trebor, Warren, and Akitaru are well so far, let's hope they stay safe]]


Inside Alex's inner realm 

"You three, stop fighting near me already! Go over there!" Alex yelled, frustration evident in his tone. He glared at Absol, Fluffles, and Zaryk, the mountain banshee, as they tussled near him.

Alex was trying to focus on improving his [Mana Manipulation], but between Zaryk swooping too close for comfort and the constant bumping from Fluffles and Absol as they attempted to hide behind him, concentrating was impossible.

Though Absol and Fluffles looked a bit betrayed at being scolded, their disappointment didn't last long. Almost in sync, the two mischievous creatures turned their attention to Monolith, the Tall-Neck. It was just lying down nearby, its towering form in low-power sleep mode. Fluffles and Absol immediately decided that annoying Monolith would be their new game.

Monolith didn't react, remaining still and unbothered as the two creatures darted around its legs and prodded at its joints. Stratus, the MQ-27 DragonFire drone, was also in sleep mode, perched on Monolith's head. 

With his summons distracted, Alex turned his attention back to Sunny, the Sun Shroom. Gently petting its cap as it slept peacefully beside him, he let out a small sigh. Finally, he could go back and focus on improving his [Mana Manipulation].

Currently, Alex was working on his precision, which was frustratingly low. Whenever he tried to form even the simplest shapes, a large portion of his mana would slip out of his control, dispersing chaotically. The mana refused to hold steady, making it impossible for him to attempt anything more complex.

Precision was the foundation of spellcasting, and Alex knew it as he had been learning from whatever Mika's teachers taught. If he could master the control of his mana flow, it would open the door to forming spells efficiently and consistently.

While Alex struggled with precision and control, Mika seemed to take to it with ease. Her natural affinity for mana manipulation left Alex in the dust as her teachers quickly moved on to more advanced topics, like forming and mastering spells.

There were countless ways to create spells, each with its own nuances and complexities. The most common methods included using runes, grimoires, incantations, and elemental manipulation. These techniques formed the foundation of magical practice, but magic itself was far from stagnant. Thanks to thousands of years of research and experimentation, it continued to evolve, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse.

So trying to train and improve his magic, Alex was going to take full advantage of being sealed inside his own daughter as there wasn't much else to do. Of course, there was still his dungeon, and with the 22k SP he spent on the third floor of his dungeon, he was going to have a fun time for a very long time.

[[Looks like Alex doing well so far, Also how are the names I gave the Banshee, Dragon fire, Sun Shroom and the Tall-Neck?]]


Thanks for reading 

Comment on any mistakes or changes I should make. 


The next chapter will fully be about the dungeon