Chapter 772 "Cerebro"

"From now on, this will be your workplace," declared the Director of Science and Technology at the CIA's headquarters the following day. Under his guidance, Jerry and Charles were officially inducted as special agents of the CIA.

As they toured the base, their attention was captivated by a sleek, cutting-edge aircraft positioned at the heart of the facility. A young man in a pristine white coat approached, eager to showcase his creation.

"This is the supersonic aircraft I've been developing. It's currently the fastest in existence," he proudly announced.

The Director promptly facilitated introductions between the two parties, emphasizing the significance of their roles within the organization. It was evident that the Director had briefed the young inventor on Charles and the other mutants beforehand, as they were greeted with understanding and respect.

With this introduction, the team began to comprehend the depth of the resources and technology available to them in their new roles as CIA operatives.

The young man introduced as Hank McCoy instantly caught Jerry's attention. Hank, renowned as "Beast," was the prodigious researcher of the Science and Technology Department, touted for his exceptional intellect and ingenuity. Now, he was assigned to collaborate with their team.

"Beast," Jerry acknowledged, recognizing Hank as the pivotal figure in the future X-Men, famed for his invention of the brainwave diffuser.

In Jerry's estimation, two individuals held paramount importance: Charles and Hank. Charles possessed the unique ability to detect mutants, as evidenced by his immediate recognition of Hank's mutant status upon their meeting.

Meanwhile, Hank stood out as the preeminent scientist among mutants, credited with developing the majority of the X-Men's equipment, including the brainwave diffuser.

To Jerry, the indispensability of Charles and Hank eclipsed that of others, even Magneto. However, with Jean Grey yet to be born, Jerry saw no urgency in compelling Charles and Hank to aid in their search for mutants with the X gene.

That doesn't align with his approach, either.

Instead, his strategy revolves around initial integration into the Earth while dedicating the majority of his efforts to assimilating the planet into the ring universe and cultivating new planets and life forms.

He contemplated the feasibility of utilizing time manipulation to leap directly into the next year. After all, the time laws of this universe slightly diverged from the main universe.

In the primary universe, time follows an irreversible path. Even with a time machine, traveling to the past merely spawns a new timeline.

Consider Thanos' use of the Infinity Gauntlet to eradicate half of all life in the universe. The Avengers couldn't employ a time machine to prevent Thanos' actions. Their only recourse was navigating alternate timelines to retrieve the gems and resurrect those lost in the snap.

Upon completion, strict gem restitution was imperative to safeguard other timelines from unraveling.

So, each time he departs, he anchors to a specific moment in time rather than manipulating time to revisit the past upon his return.

However, the foundational time principles of this universe have evidently shifted, as time here operates in a reversible manner, altering the future trajectory of the entire universe.

If memory serves him right, in a decade, a scientist named Bolivar Trask will apprehend numerous mutants for experimentation, ultimately deriving a critical breakthrough from Mystique's genetic material.

Consequently, a new breed of specialized combat machines, the "Sentinels," equipped with the ability to detect and replicate mutant genes, will be developed.

Six decades later, these advanced "Sentinel" robots will embark on a ruthless hunt, decimating mutants en masse, pushing them to the brink of extinction, and forcing them into hiding.

With reluctance, Professor X acknowledges the inevitable: everything in the prior universe will be erased, and a new universe will commence its existence, commencing in 1973.

In theory, Jerry possesses the ability to manipulate the laws of time, allowing him to traverse both past and future within the universe at will.

However, upon careful consideration, he deems it prudent to abstain from such actions.

After all, this isn't just any ordinary realm; it's the vast and intricate Marvel Universe, teeming with beings of formidable power. Time, being a delicate construct, could easily attract the attention of entities like the Eternals, leading to undesirable consequences.

Stealing the Phoenix Force was already a perilous endeavor, fraught with risk. Were it not for the Ancient One's unwavering assistance, Jerry might have found himself banished from this expansive reality by now.

Ultimately, the potential risks associated with tampering with the fabric of time for a mere year's worth of gain outweigh any potential benefits.

With patience on his side, Jerry concludes that waiting is a far more prudent course of action.

Given his current level of power and the attention he's garnered from entities like Eternity, Jerry is keenly aware of the precarious position he finds himself in.

While he harbors no desire to tread the dark path of a villain akin to Sithorne, nor does he relish the thought of becoming a target for various factions.

Maintaining a facade of benevolence and adherence to the law is imperative, lest he attract unwanted attention and opposition.

Following a brief introduction, Hank, too, acknowledges his mutant identity. Encouraged by Mystique, he proudly displays his unique abilities. Apart from his remarkable intellect, Hank possesses large, beast-like feet and a physique far surpassing that of ordinary individuals.

"Allow me to escort you to your respective quarters for some much-needed rest," Hank announces after showcasing his abilities. With that, he leads the group to the well-prepared dormitories designated for mutant agents.

During their journey, Jerry initiates a conversation with Hank, delving into the realm of biology. While not particularly adept in physics, Jerry boasts a profound understanding of biology.

His expertise in biology extends beyond mere proficiency; he's delved into the magical intricacies of life creation, honing his knowledge through interactions with renowned biologists such as Banner from the main universe.

Moreover, Jerry's curiosity led him to explore the biology of extraterrestrial life forms across various universes.

Drawing from his studies on the Celestials' creation of the Eternal body of the water elf, Jerry effortlessly captivates Hank with his biological insights. Hank, who had been researching genetic medicine to revert himself to an ordinary person, finds himself pleasantly surprised by Jerry's revelations.

"Mr. Carmen, I didn't expect you to have such in-depth research on biology. I am currently working on a genetic medicine. I wonder if you could provide some guidance when you're free," Hank asked sincerely as they reached the door of the mutant dormitory.

Jerry smiled warmly and nodded, "Just call me Jerry. It's not about guiding; we learn from each other."

He understood the importance of fostering a good relationship with Hank.

Building rapport now could prove invaluable later, especially when he needed assistance with the brainwave diffuser upgrade in the future.

In his mind, Jerry mapped out his plans. Over the next year, he aimed to enhance the brainwave diffuser to the point where it could pinpoint any mutant on Earth.

This upgrade would enable him to locate Jean swiftly after her birth.