Chapter 785 "Extracting The Power"

After Erik's empowerment, his ability to control the magnetic field greatly improved. Hank's body's strength and speed were strengthened.

After Logan's empowerment, the hardness and sharpness of his bone claws, although not as good as Adamantium, are better than steel. Even if they are destroyed, they can be regenerated quickly, and his self-healing ability has also been enhanced. 

After Raven's empowerment, she can not only transform into anyone but also become larger and smaller things, similar to Ant-Man. 

After helping all the mutants empower their abilities, Jerry brought Apocalypse into the ring world. He does not intend to leave It to Charles and Erik, even though his Imperius Curse can always control It to obey Charles and Erik's orders.

But nothing is absolute. Once he leaves this universe, he will never come back. If Apocalypse wakes up due to an accident, or if Charles and Erik die in the future, no one can say for sure for their safety.

 Without Jean Grey, other mutants and humans are no match for Apocalypse.

"Jerry, I may have found the girl you were talking about!"

On the third day after Charles's ability was empowered, Jerry finally received the good news he had been waiting for. Today, Charles can not only locate all mutants on the entire earth but also see and hear what is happening around them from their perspective.

Just now, Charles heard from a newly born mutant baby girl that the baby girl's parents had named the baby girl "Jean Grey," whom Jerry had always mentioned. Jerry is not a mutant, but he has done a lot for them mutants. Charles doesn't know how to repay him, so he can only spend all his time every day looking for Jean Grey.

"Where is she?" Jerry quickly came to Charles.

"Is that her?" In the nursery of a certain hospital, Charles was teleported here with Jerry, who pointed at the baby on the crib and asked,

Jerry smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's her."

With such close observation, Jerry could clearly sense power in the baby's body. Hearing Jerry's answer, Charles finally breathed a sigh of relief. During this period, he was also very tired.

"Wait for me here for a while. I'll take her away first." Jerry picked up Jean and was about to enter his own ring world, but Charles held his shoulders down.

"Jerry, promise me not to hurt her."

"Don't worry, I'm saving her, actually." Jerry took off Charles' hand and disappeared instantly with Jean.

 He was right. Although his goal was the Phoenix's power in Jean, he actually saved her life. Before reaching adulthood and entering a mutant school, Jean was unable to master the power in her body, which caused many tragedies in her childhood.

For example, her mother died in a car accident caused by her power. Her father regarded her as a murderer and a monster. Later, due to the power, she turned dark and killed Mystique, causing many disasters.

Now that Jerry has removed the Power, Jean will have the same telepathic ability as Charles. She will have a wonderful and happy childhood. If the extraction of the Phoenix power had led to Jean Gray's death, Jerry would not have done it.

At worst, he can wait for her to grow up or go to other universes to find an adult version of her. Even if she is dead, with his current ability, as long as her soul is still around, it will be easy to create an identical body for her.

"To be on the safe side, I'll save your soul first." The first time he entered the ring world, Jerry took out her soul and preserved it.

He began to use his magic to extract the power from her body. The Phoenix power in Jean's body was unwilling to give in easily, but it was not the complete power, but only a small part of the power.

Everything went more smoothly than Jerry expected. In less than two minutes, Jerry completely removed the Phoenix power from Jean's body and began to merge it with the world.

"It looks like it will take a few days."

The Phoenix Power is one of the three ancient powers, a power at the level of the multiverse. Even if it is still small, it can only be completely integrated slowly. After successfully extracting the power, Jerry put Jean's soul back into her body and took her back.

"She is indeed the embodiment of life and spiritual power." A week later, Jerry was filled with admiration as he sensed the changes in the ring world after absorbing the power.

This week, he did nothing to it. He even asked Clow Reed and others to put aside the creation of the planet and fully assist him in refining the new power. Now that the refining is successful, the power is perfectly integrated into his ring world.

The change that occurred is that the speed of creating life in the ring world has been greatly increased, and the entire world seems to have something new.

There are three main difficulties in expanding the universe. The most difficult is the sun. The sun is the source of life and energy. Without the sun emitting energy all the time, life would be impossible to be born. But now that we have the machine to create more sun, it has become the least difficult thing to do.

The second is life, which creates a large amount of life and different types of life. This is something huge, and the time consumed is second only to the creation of the sun. With the characteristics of Phoenix's power, the speed of creating life in the world has been greatly improved.

As long as more Phoenix is integrated in the future, this effect will continue to be strengthened.

In the future, as long as he solves the least technical and easiest task of creating a planet, he may reach the threshold of entering the multiverse in much less time than expected.

This reason alone made him happy.