Chapter 3


It was bright and nice, the sky clear and air filled with the sounds of beating feets against the ground. We charged with our general, we expected death but believe it'd be helpful.

If we could change our current situation, dying. It gave us meaning and pride one's left.

The tanks.....they were waiting for us, they began shelling us from their position and then bombs feel from the sky.

We....some tried to retreat, but they were everywhere....droids riding upon the sky...low enough to target those with their backs turned.

We were hoarded like animals, advancing forward seemed like the best option....we couldn't stay still....the general.

Red.....I see red everywhere.....they're all dead. Where's my mount....where's my arm....I can't feel it but where's my arm.

I...I have to go back, I must tell the governor that we failed.....I me. Where am I?.

" Sir, we've eliminated the enemy heading for our tanks. Our forces have breached the city. " A droid said aloud, reporting on the ongoing and results of the battle.

" Sieze the palace and request surrender from the Governor once more. " The droid Commander issued out orders.

" Roger Roger " a response came.

" Begin preparing for the next planet, this system is under CIS control. Enact the last phase of the plan. " It said once more, before getting up and heading for a shuttle.

" Roger Roger. " A droid responded before heading away.

The surrender of the Governor is all but determined, so the last phase of the plan can begin. Regaining profits from this planet as well as spreading my name....General Sidious.

I still laugh when I say the name. Just imagining when the Jedi finally knows that there is a Sith called Darth Sidious, I wonder how this might impact them.

Perhaps it'll give them a hint or invalidate their findings but again, am a droid. The chance of their findings being invalidated because the chances of a droid orchestrating the whole war is minimal or rather impossible.

Not that I really care what happens to them, I simply if I can get that then I could possibly get my body back or my flesh.

Back at the palace, the governor had received the new offer of surrender and quickly accepted. Some still tried to have a say in the terms but were quickly shut down out of fear.

" Those are our terms. " A droid spoke out after reading a list of terms for surrender towards the now beaten opponents.

" Do you accept " The droid said, following it's last sentence.

" ...Yes" A defeated and hopeless voice replied.

Just then a Hologram activated revealing the figure of a B1 battle droid. Except it had a cape similar to that of general grevious over it, as it's hands remained folded behind it's back.

" You have made the right decision. " the drois said. Quickly all eyes in the room turned towards the Hologram as it continued without stop.

" I am General Sidious, commander of the droid forces that have defeated you. I welcome you into the Confederacy of Independent Systems." It continued, using body language and movements to better show emotions.

" You have my word that soon your willing choice to join us would bear fruit. I will leave this tactical droid here which would better represent me in my absence. " He said as he pointed a single finger downwards without looking away.

In sight was a Confederacy tactical droid which dyed in colour white and red bowed slightly as it stepped forward.

" As well as a garrison of droid forces stationed here permanently for protection and defense of your world. " the Hologram figure said after a short pause and withdrawing of it's arm.

" For the seperatist alliance!" He said before the hologram cut off.


" How long would our current resources last with the increased production?"

" About 1 month sister....we'd only be able to produce about 18,000 battle droids then we'd run out of resources to produce more. " he said.

" What are the chances the B2's might....go rogue. "

" They may be aggressors but the chances are next to none. I believe they understand our situation very clearly. "

" Mhm, Withdraw our forces from the front. Within a month I want over 50,000 battle droids ready for battle. " The voice grew ever more menacing, a calculating air filled the room as the words were brought to life.

" I and my guard force will conduct missions and locate this pest. With our full force, we will wipe them out and mine this planet from the inside out. "

" I want us off this planet and unto the stars in 3 months, nothing less. I move out immediately Bx-004....and be discretion will you. I cannot afford to debate over this with those fools. " The voice finished before beginning to walk away.

" Yes Sister. " Bx-004 replied with a slight bow, in his head. Communicating with her personal guards and just as she walked out of the walked, the door opened revealing them waiting.

The ones tasked not only to guard and die for her but to obey only her. They had similar markings on the right shoulder and a numerical digit painted on their left front shoulder.

" We live to die. " They said in sync, their motto by which they acted upon. Service till the end, to give up one's life in service of sister was an honour.

Then, they were gone. Moving with the mobility and speed of a commando droid. Bx-004 looked back, upon the disappearing figure of Sister. It remembered, the bits of memories it inherited from the Founder.

From his creator, he saw....knowledge. Strength, power and conspiracies. This world, the war....this.....these losses are nothing compared to the grand scheme of things.

He wanted to be there, at his side whilst he enacted whatever plans he had. Whether it'd be to rule the galaxy or destroy it....

" Father....."