Chapter 17


" We...we surrender. Sto-gahh!!"

" For the Seperatist allaince, for the General. "

" This is madness, we surrender already...why...why are you still attacking!!"

A cold response came as the man pleaded in response. It was unreasonable as these were acts that could not go unchecked.

".....Your lives have no meaning, you waste the resourcesof your planet.Glory to the droid army. " A blaster shot came after as the man fell lifeless and lost.

Deep in the outer rims was a planet, filled with greens and life along with a fairly isolated but peaceful population.

A droid fleet tasked with securing a sector for the seperatist armada passed by this, the commander in charge decided to bring it under Seperatist control.

Records state that it failed, the fleet was lost and no one would know why the commander abruptly decided to perform an act not issued to it.

However, it was seen as another one of the many fleets lost during the beginning of the war, a failure of the droids but there was a signal, beacon if you could say so...constant and dim.

A distress call for help, a distress call noticed but unanswered. A distress call judged to be of lesser importance than a core world or much closer planet all due to politics.

3 months into the war, Seperatist forces met stiff resistance amongst the local populace of planets. Civil wars erupted around the galaxy amongst hundreds of worlds, grudges had found reasons to manifest.

Due to the scattered leadership of the Seperatist military forces, this ensured the republic got enough space to breath and organize themselves. Preventing it's quick but devastating destruction.

But no more, with losses after losses which began to pile up. Rumors of a cyborg General emerging from the outer rims with a streak of victories behind him spread quickly.

After numerous losses, the seperatist council under the wise advise of Count Dooku elected as General and Grand Marshall, the Supreme commander of the seperatist military force. General Grevious.

Under his leadership, a solid line of defense was formed to defend the seperatist aligned world's and terror sprouted as evidence of numerous Jedi going up against him and never coming back were soon leaked.

Fear and happiness erupted amongst trillions. There were those whom hated the Jedi order or what they had become and they were those who saw this as a sign.

In an attempt to gain more foothold in the outer rims and secure important resources along with their trade route into the core systems, a series of attacks were launched.

A force consisting of 5 Venators and 2 Acclamators along with a series of Arquitens-class light cruiser amongst the fleet was led by Jedi General Kunr'aid. The results....

Republic forces claimed the Carli Sector whilst gaining a chokehold at the Acrbi System before their assault was halted....the losses.

1 Venator gone, 2 Acclamators damaged significantly resulting in loss of lives in great numbers, 6 Arquitens-class light cruisers lost and over 665 Fighters permanently lost. 1 critically damaged Venator with the other sustaining consideredable damage.

Lives lost are in the thousands along with the Padawan of the Jedi General in charge of the assault. The Seperatist allaince losses were also significant.

5 Munificent class Frigates, 2 light destroyers, over 1000 Fighters /bombers but with no loss of life.

The response to such a devastating attack was expected, a fleet of Munificent Frigates patrolling a nearby system launched a counter offensive.

A swift attack launched to protect the lives of those aligned with the seperatist cause, the system was taken in 2 weeks and republic personnel or troops killed after refusing a gracious surrender.

Without stop, 2 more fleets Joined in and pushed out of the system not only re-taking the Carli system but also liberating our fellow brethren at the Pounus, Dilckery and Gropun system.

This caused several more republic ships to be re directed towards this front allowing the very much feared General Grevious to have a breakthrough.

Slipping in at least 5 dozen ships into republic space to cause chaos amongst the back lines further causing even more ships to be sent to deal with them.

With this distracting, he set his eyes on a vital Agricultural system in the outer rims supplying dozens of other worlds with their product.


The war has proved devastating!. The once peaceful and safe galaxy has been plunged into the bowels of death and war by secessionist.

The Jedi sworn to the defense and protection of the republic, keepers of peace now turned General fight for our sake.

Leading the honorable forces of the clone army against the mechanical army that wrecks havoc on our worlds.

This is a time of peril, of shame, betrayal and anger but fear not. For you stand with the republic and the republic bleeds for you and your world's.

Across a thousand planets, we stand our ground against insurmountable odds. Do not reject the arrival of our peace force for they fight for you.

They die for you, bleed for you so you can live a better and peaceful life. Jedi General Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker recently unraveled a plot by the seperatist to cause starvation and death among us.

Under their leadership, the 501st and the 212th clone battalions launched an attack that not only defended the planet but dealt a critical blow it the infamous General Grevious whom has caused the death of millions.

While it is unfortunate that he escaped, know that they work to their fullest abilities to give you peace and justice. Their recent victory allowed them to push back the assault on several sectors.

Inching ever so closer to the system we once failed to take and while losses mount up, while we lose lives to defend our way of life know we do so because we fight for you.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems will never be recognized for their horrific acts against us, they will be judged and punished for their crimes against not just us but the entire galaxy.

They release their lifeless troops to claim ours, use our resources and planet against us but we shall fight on until we have peace and until the Galaxy