Episode 5: Link (2)

As the party began digging in on the food, an hour passed by just like that. However, despite eating for quite a while, it could be noted that there were still a lot of unfinished dishes left on the dining table.

"Phew...! I'm stuffed!" Leaning back onto his chair, Derek sighed in defeat as he placed his fork and spoon onto his plate. "I can't eat anymore..."

"...Landon," Penelope helplessly turned to look at the blonde-haired man before her. "Did you seriously have to order this much?"

"Hmm?" In reply, Landon blinked. "Tsh ish a celebration!" he said, mouth full of food. In the next moment, he swallowed it all. "So of course we'll be having a big feast with lots of food!"

"..." Jace's expression darkened as he glanced over at the remaining food on the table. There were 15 different types of dishes in total, and only 7 of them were completely finished. "...we can finish all of this?"

"Well, it's no problem if you guys can't finish! We'll just do take-outs!" Landon explained, happily biting into his sushi. "Though, I doubt we'll have any left by the end of this. I'll probably be the one finishing it all if you guys are all full!"

"Huh? What is this, a rich person's mindset?" Penelope grumbled.

"Well, Landon IS the one treating us, so I've got no complaints here!" Derek reasoned, soon using his fork to grab another sushi to put into his mouth.

"...I'm done," Toriq helplessly stated, putting down his chopsticks. "You guys can have the rest."

"Eh?? Are you guys seriously done already?!" he cried out.

"You ordered too much..." Toriq refuted.

"I mean, it's more for me! So it's no problem!" The man happily placed more food on his plate.

"Right..." Jace scratched his head, soon standing up from his seat the next second. "While you do that, I'll be heading to the bathroom. I'll be back."

"Huh? Oh sure!" Landon nodded his head.

As the young man began making his way over to the private room's door, Penelope silently stared at him. "..." As he opened the door, Jace exited through it.


Through the quiet hallways of Timeless Waves, a black-haired man could be seen walking through it, tiredly making his way back to the private room.

"Jee... I never would've expected him to order that much food..." Jace yawned. "But whatever... it's his money anyways. Anyhow... Just what time is it now?" Taking out his phone the next moment, he noted that it was now [3:00 PM]. "...oh. It's only been that long? Sigh. I guess I could take an evening nap when I get back home."

As the young man continued making his way down the hallway, a girl's voice resounded through the area, alerting Jace.

"...hey. Stop right there."

"...?" Abruptly stopping at his footsteps, Jace slowly turned his head behind, soon noting that a black-haired woman was standing behind him. "Ah... You're... Penelope, right?"

"Hah. So you remembered my name, huh?" The girl folded her arms. "Well then, let's cut to the chase. Let's have a talk."

"What?" The young man raised his brow in confusion. "Talk about what?"

"Don't play dumb with me," she bluntly stated. "I know exactly what you're doing, and I'm here to warn you."

"...huh?" he blinked.

"Do you think I believe the bullshit that you spouted to the others?" Penelope rolled her eyes. "It may have fooled them, but it's not fooling me. A year of training? Dedicated? Hah. I'll admit, you have the skills. But dedication? Don't make me laugh."

"..." Jace frowned. "And, your point here is?"

"Stop with the act that you're putting up," she followed up. "I can tell from one good look at you that you have no interest in hunter work. Just what's your true goal here? Are you after Landon's money? Are you trying to get close to him so that you can drag him down? Did his siblings hire you to do this?"

"..." Jace's brow furrowed. "You're saying I don't care about being a hunter?"

"Precisely. If you're someone that actually CARES, you wouldn't have acted like that during the dungeon run," she spoke out demeaningly. "You only stepped in when Derek was in danger. Other than that? You were off to the side, doing your own thing without a care. Don't think I didn't notice."

"Hah..." Jace ruffled his hair. "Is this the problem you have with me?"

"Are you still attempting to feign innocence?"

"Honestly, does it look like I'm putting up an act?" Jace uttered, staring lazily at Penelope. "I don't know how you got that impression of me, but you got everything wrong. I could care less about someone's family matters."


"Then what?" he asked.

"Your facade!"

"...are you still on with that?"

"Tch. Stop playing dumb here!" she shouted out. "Just what's your goal in all of this? You don't seem to care at all about being a hunter, and like hell are you here just to act all buddy-buddy with everyone."

"Well, I guess you're right on the mark about that one," he shrugged. "It's true. I'm not here to be all buddy-buddy with anyone."

"Hah... I knew it!"

"...but. What does that matter to you?" he glared at Penelope. "In the end, what I'm doing is merely just keeping up the end of my bargain. To survive in this world, you need a party. Is there any other reason I have to give?"


"As for why I'm a hunter... If I say it's just to pass the time, would you believe me?" he smiled.

"Hah? Like hell I would!"

"Hmph. Well, you wouldn't understand even if I told you," he bluntly stated, soon walking past the girl and reaching the door to the private room right after. "That's the end of the story."

"Hey, we're not done here!" Penelope cried out. "Don't think I'll just..."

As the young man was about to open the door, the door opened by itself. There, Jace and Penelope were greeted by the sight of Landon who was at the entrance of the private room.

"Huh? You guys came back together?" Landon's eyes opened wide in shock.

"..." Jace kept quiet.

"..." Penelope frowned.

"Hmm...? Why does it look like you guys fought??" Landon raised his brow in confusion.

"...it's nothing," Jace shook his head. "It was just a coincidence that we happened to arrive here at the same time. In any case, are we done with lunch? I'll be taking my leave if so."

"Huh? Hey! Something did come up!" Landon cried out. "No way I'm letting you leave like that!"

"...hah. I'm just tired," Jace yawned.

"Ugh..." Landon soon leaned closer to Jace. "Hey! Remember! We still have to discuss your skills!"

"Now?" Jace turned to look at the area around him. "Sigh. How does coming over to my place sound?"

"...huh?" he blinked in confusion.

"You want an explanation of what happened earlier, right?" Jace elaborated. "Then, I'll text you my address. Make sure to come alone."

"...eh?" Landon continued blinking.

"If that's everything, then I'll be taking my leave first." Jace smiled, soon waving goodbye to Toriq and Derek who were sitting by at the table. "See you, everyone. I've got some business to attend to."

"Oh, leaving already?" Toriq asked.

"Has it been that long?" Derek blinked. "Well see you!"

"Hey, Jace...!!" Penelope gritted her teeth.

"..." Turning around to face Penelope, he began walking past her. "You won't ever understand." Whispering into her ears, the young man left the private room.


Within a dark and quiet room, Jace could be seen lying in bed, lazing around as he played Rankers War on his phone.

[ You have levelled up "Angela" to level 50! Ascension is now available. ]

[ You have levelled up "Ray" to level 50! Ascension is now available. ]

[ You have levelled up "Luo Ye" to level 50! Ascension is now available. ]

[ ... ]

[ Player "JYAce" has reached Rank 30! ]

"...huh. Rank 30 already, huh?" Jace yawned, tapping on his hunter's list the next moment. "Let's see... With all of that out of the way... I guess I can probably take on the next dungeon boss?" he thought to himself, soon entering into Ray's character info. "But first, I should probably see if I have the right materials to ascend Ray..."

As he entered the ascension tab, he noted that he had all the required materials for [ Ray ].

"Oh, nice. I've got everything," he nodded his head. "For an A-ranker, he sure is pretty strong." Without any hesitation, he pressed the [ Ascend ] button. At that moment, a notification appeared before him in the game.

[ Ray has ascended to Ascension Rank 4! ]

[ Ability: "Chain Crusher" has been unlocked. ]

"Right... I guess it's time to test him out." With a quiet whisper, the young man began swiping his screen towards a blue swirling gate in the main menu. Soon after, he clicked on it, swiftly entering into an S-ranked Gate the next moment.

However, just as he was about to press ready, a doorbell's ring suddenly echoed through his house, interrupting his game time.

"...?" he frowned, swiping his finger upwards to check the time. "Tch... It's 6 AM. Who could possibly be ringing the doorbell at this hour? I didn't order anything..."

Lazily getting up from his bed, Jace slowly made his way towards his front door, soon checking the intercom. There, he noted that a blonde-haired man was busily pressing the doorbell to his house.

"...huh...? Landon...?" Jace's eyes opened wide in shock. "What the hell is he doing here at six in the damn morning???"