Episode 9: Visionary Dreams (2)

"...what?" As Landon's loud voice blared into his ears, the young man blinked in confusion. "Come again?"

"W-Well, you heard me!" The voice in turn coughed. "I want you to train me!"

"This..." Still in disbelief at what he had just heard, the black-haired man stared at Landon in the distance. "Is this the important thing you wanted to say...?"

"Uh, i-it's one of them..." Landon gulped. "But, that's all I'm going to say for now! if you want to hear the rest, then please let me in! You promised me you would!"

"No, wait... Huh?" In the midst of his confusion, Jace was left completely speechless.


Silently sitting on a couch in a quiet living room, a blonde-haired man could be seen nervously taking a sip from a glass of water as he stared at the lazy Jace before him.


Without a single reply from him, the young man only stared back, wiping his hair dry with a towel whilst doing so.
