Episode 9: Visionary Dreams (8)

The moonlit night skies gently shone down onto the quiet streets of Aurelis. There, the sight of two men could be seen making their way through it, seemingly on their way back home.

"Phew...! That was a pretty good buffet!" Happily stretching his arms, the blonde-haired man cheered. "You were right, Lazy Eyes! The food there was really nice! I think I understand now why you wanted to go there in the first place when it was so crowded!"

"U-Ugh... That was way too much..." Compared to Landon's satisfied look, Jace's expression was filled with weariness. "Did you really have to go and order a second round like that?"

"Of course!" Landon laughed. "I said I could finish it all, didn't I? Besides, it wasn't that much! I only ordered like what, half of what we ordered in the first round?"

"Seriously now... I'm surprised you even managed to finish all of that..." The black-haired man shook his head helplessly in the next moment. "You sure do eat a lot, huh?"